
filbert n.1.【植物;植物學】歐洲榛,歐洲榛果實,榛果實。2....


On a websphere application server server that uses the default port and runs on the machine “ filbert “ in a local area network , then the full url to invoke the simple servlet would be 的上下文中,而該服務器使用缺省端口并在局域網中的“ filbert ”機器上運行,那么調用simple servlet的完整url將是:

Filberts i believe they were , mr dedalus said , as he dropped his glasses on his coatfront , following them “我相信那是榛子, ”迪達勒斯先生邊說邊讓夾鼻眼鏡耷拉在上衣胸前,跟隨他們而去。

Nut trees such as filbert , hazelnut and yellowhorn produce well with only sun in the morning 像榛子樹、榛實樹和黃角樹這類堅果樹,只需在早晨接受足夠的光照便能保證豐產。

Nut trees such as filbert , hazelnut and yellow horn produce well with only sun in the morning 例如榛子樹、榛實樹和黃角樹類似的堅果樹只要早上曬一會太陽就會生長的很好。

Nut trees such as filbert , hazelnut and yellowhorn produce well with only sun in the morning 像榛子樹、榛實樹和黃角樹這類堅果樹,只需早晨的光照就能生長的很好。

Wildness filbert resource ' s exploiting and utilizing in daxing ' an mountain 大興安嶺野生榛樹資源的開發與利用