
fiji n.1.斐濟〔西太平洋〕。2.斐濟人,斐濟語。


Hundreds of chinese made their way to tonga ' s neighbouring country fiji wednesday to board an air china aircraft sent by beijing yesterday 周三成百的中國華僑通過各自的方式進入湯加鄰國斐濟,昨天登上由北京派去的國航班機。

Hundreds of chinese made their way to tonga ' s neighbouring country fiji wednesday to board an air china aircraft sent by beijing yesterday 星期三,數百名中國人前往湯加的鄰國斐濟,乘坐由北京昨天派出的一駕中國國航飛機。

Hundreds of chinese made their way to tonga ' s neighbouring country fiji wednesday to board an air china aircraft sent by beijing yesterday 周三成百上千的中國人到湯加的鄰國斐濟去等候乘坐昨天從北京派去的一架國航飛機。

Hundreds of chinese made their way to tonga ' s neighbouring country fiji wednesday to board an air china aircraft sent by beijing yesterday 本周三幾百名華僑已經取道湯加的鄰國斐濟,去搭乘昨天由北京派出的中國國航飛機。

Hundreds of chinese made their way to tonga ' s neighbouring country fiji wednesday to board an air china aircraft sent by beijing yesterday 星期三,數百名中國人前往湯加的鄰國斐濟登上昨天北京派出的一駕中國國航飛機。

Hundreds of chinese made their way to tonga ' s neighbouring country fiji wednesday to board an air china aircraft sent by beijing yesterday 周三,數以百計的中國人趕往湯加的鄰國斐濟,以登上昨天自北京飛抵的中國航班。

Hundreds of chinese made their way to tonga ' s neighbouring country fiji wednesday to board an air china aircraft sent by beijing yesterday 數百名在湯的中國公民周三前往湯加鄰國斐濟,在那里搭乘由北京發出的中航航班。

Hundreds of chinese made their way to tonga ' s neighbouring country fiji wednesday to board an air china aircraft sent by beijing yesterday 周三數以百計的中國人前往湯加鄰國斐濟搭乘北京安排的中國國際航空公司的飛機。

Hundreds of chinese made their way to tonga ' s neighbouring country fiji wednesday to board an air china aircraft sent by beijing yesterday 星期三,數百名中國人前往湯加的鄰國斐濟,在那里登上北京發出的中航飛機。

Hundreds of chinese made their way to tonga ' s neighbouring country fiji wednesday to board an air china aircraft sent by beijing yesterday 周三數百名中國居民來到湯加的鄰國斐濟以便搭乘昨天從北京派去的中國飛機。

In the waters of the fiji islands , an emperor shrimp and a commensal crab nearly vanish in the calico pattern of a large leopard sea cucumber 在斐濟群島的水域中,帝王蝦和寄居蟹消失隱秘在大豹海參皮膚上豹紋中。

Hundreds of chinese made their way to tonga ' s neighbouring country fiji wednesday to board an air china aircraft sent by beijing yesterday 周三,數百名中國人到湯加的領國斐濟去乘坐昨天從北京派出的國航班機。

Hundreds of chinese made their way to tonga ' s neighbouring country fiji wednesday to board an air china aircraft sent by beijing yesterday 星期三很多中國公民前往湯加的鄰國斐濟,在那里搭乘北京派來的飛機。

In the waters of the fiji islands , an emperor shrimp and a commensal crab nearly vanish in the calico pattern of a large leopard sea cucumber 在斐濟群島的水域中,皇帝蝦和寄居蟹消失在大豹海參的豹紋中。

Michele experiences symbiosis firsthand by mimicking the posture of a fish ready for a dental check - up by a cleaner shrimp during filming in fiji 潛水員米雪在斐濟的海底中張大嘴巴讓醫生蝦清理牙。

To travel to fiji islands . for residents outside hong kong , please consult the relevant embassyconsulate nearest to you 香港境外居民如欲查詢有關資料,請與所在地或就近的斐濟大使館或領事館聯絡。

Hundreds of chinese made their way to tonga ' s neighbouring country fiji wednesday to board an air china aircraft sent by beijing yesterday 數百名中國人周三來到湯加的鄰國斐濟搭乘從北京派來的飛機。

To travel to fiji islands . for residents outside hong kong , please consult the relevant embassy consulate nearest to you 香港境外居民如欲查詢有關資料,請與所在地或就近的斐濟大使館或領事館聯絡。

5 species from new guinea to fiji . not much imported , and mainly from sulawesi , lrian jaya and solomon 計5種?分布于新幾內亞與斐濟?進口量不大?主要由蘇拉威西?伊里安與所羅門群島進口。