
fifteen n.1.十五;十五個(人、物);十五歲;十五點鐘(即下午...

fifteen all

The attitude he had adopted towards sexual matters fifteen years before, however, was too different from his father's . 可是十五年前他對兩性關系所采取的看法跟他父親的看法就大不相同。

In the course of ten or fifteen minutes the thinning mist dissolved altogether from the northern horizon . 過了十分鐘或者十五分鐘的工夫,那片越來越薄的霧,從北方的天邊上完全散開了。

Bert was a lean, undersized boy about fifteen years of age and about four feet nine inches in height . 伯特是個身體單薄的孩子,長得矮小,大約十五歲左右,他身高約四英尺九英寸。

There are fifteen tarry sailors upon the one side, and a man and a halfling boy upon the other ! 一方面是十五名殺氣騰騰的水手,另一方面呢,只是一個成人和一個還沒有長成的小子!

But the majority of pupils arrived at the age of eleven and left after school certificate at fifteen . 不過學校里大多數學生都是十一歲入學,十五歲畢業。爾后,學校發給畢業文憑。

The foolish inexperienced acts of a boy fifteen or sixteen have been gone into before you gentlemen . 連一個十五、六歲的孩子愚蠢無知的行為,都已經在諸位先生面前論證過了。

In return, ford was to get a $29 million contract to build fifteen satellite ground stations. 作為報償,福特公司得到價值二千九百萬美元的建造十五個衛星地面站合同。

If the peace was only for fifteen to twenty years, then we should have betrayed our soldiers . 如果這種安全只能維持十五到二十年,那么,我們就對不起我們的士兵了。

In fifteen years or so the experts will know for sure whether the fish can survive in its new home . 15年左右,專家們將確知這種魚是否能在它們的新家生存下去。

As soon as he got well, he put me under arrest for fifteen days as a punishment for my disobedience . 他身體一好就把我禁閉了十五天,作為對我違抗命令的懲罰。

In the south success at first was greater and the german bit fifteen miles into the russian lines . 在南面,德軍最初取得了較大的成功,深入俄軍的戰線十五哩。

When the girl was fifteen years old, she was considered in those days old enough to be married . 姑娘十五歲了,在那個年代,她便被認為到了可以出嫁的年齡。

The hanging fronds of the pepper tree parted and a girl of about fifteen ducked out . 低懸著的胡椒樹的樹葉分開了,一個大約有十五歲的女孩從里面鉆了出來。

Now i am twenty-eight and am in reality more illiterate than many schoolboys of fifteen . 現在我已二十八歲,但在現實生活中,比許多十五歲的學童更無知。

He waved desperately to his companion, who had been water-skiing for the last fifteen minutes . 他拼命向他的同伴打手勢,他的同伴滑水已有十五分鐘了。

She is a handsome girl, about fifteen or sixteen, and i understand highly accomplished . 她是個漂亮姑娘,大約十五六歲,而且據我所知,她也極有才干。

Bruce consulted the map once more and told us that the village was now only fifteen miles away . 布魯斯又查了一下地圖,告訴我們離村子只有15英里了。

Because of the weather, i had to get to my destination some fifteen hours before lecture time . 由于天氣關系,我必須在作報告前十五小時到達目的地。

A pale and ragged lad of fourteen or fifteen entered, made a neat bow . 一個十四、五歲的、臉色蒼白、穿得很破爛的孩子走進來,他規規矩矩鞠了一躬。