fie int.呸! Fie upon you! 去你的! Fi...
int. 呸! Fie upon you! 去你的! Fie, for shame! 呸,不要臉! “fie-fie“ 中文翻譯: adj. 不像樣子的,出丑的。 “fie flaors“ 中文翻譯: 五味“fie flaours“ 中文翻譯: 五味“fie minds“ 中文翻譯: 五志“fie phases“ 中文翻譯: 五行“fie river“ 中文翻譯: 菲埃河“exing heat in the fie hearts“ 中文翻譯: 五心煩熱“fie foam producing machine“ 中文翻譯: 滅火泡沫發生器“fie inger leroy syndrome“ 中文翻譯: 賴特爾綜合癥“foreign investment enterprise (fie)“ 中文翻譯: 外商投資企業(外資企業)“fidyk“ 中文翻譯: 菲迪克“fidy“ 中文翻譯: 菲迪“fiduzzi“ 中文翻譯: 菲杜齊“fidus achates“ 中文翻譯: 〔拉丁語〕忠實的朋友;忠實的追隨者;忠仆。
fie-fie |
This process identified fie separate genomes that corresponded to fie bacteria and archaea - four of them uncultiated at that time , though closely related to known microbes 最后鑒定出五種單獨的基因組,是在培養時沒有獲得的細菌和古生菌。 |
But states that legalized no - fault divorce experienced an average 20 percent decline in suicide rates among married women over the following fie years 但是,在無責任離婚合法化的州里,已婚女性的自殺率在立法后5年里,平均下降20 。 |
I hae been working as a computer programmer for fie years . in that capacity , i do system analysis , trouble shooting and proide software support 我干了5年電腦編程。在這個工作范圍內,我負責系統分析,解決問題,以及提供軟件支持。 |
Emilia . o , fie upon them ! some such squire he was that turn ' d your wit the seamy side without , and made you to suspect me with the moor 愛米利婭哼,可惡的東西!前回弄昏了你的頭,使你疑心我跟這摩爾人有曖昧的,也就是這種?伙。 |
When the children reached the age of fie , the team questioned the mothers about their offspring ' s respiratory symptoms , allergies , and diet 這些兒童5歲時,研究小組詢問了他們的母親有關這些孩子的呼吸道癥狀、過敏以及食物情況。 |
If we ' d known when he went into hospital fie weeks ago he wouldn ' t hae gone in . he could hae had more iron tablets or something “要是我們在五個星期前他入院的時候知道這些,他就不會進去。他本應多吃點含鐵的藥片或什么的。 ” |
The buyer will on behalf of seller submit the withholding amount to the chinese tax authority within 5 ( fie ) days after receiing the said amount 買方自收到稅款之日起,五日之內,代表賣方向中國稅務機關依法交納帶扣所得稅。 |
This study also had data on the girls and their parents ' dietary , actiity and lifestyle patterns starting from when the girls were fie - years - old 同時收集了這些女孩及父母的飲食結構、日常活動以及她們五歲以來的生活模式。 |
A uk study suggests that regular intense physical exercise is linked with lower rates of depression and anxiety in men up to fie years later 英國的一項研究表明,堅持劇烈運動的男性在往后至少五年內較少抑郁和焦慮。 |
Starting from jan . 1st , 2007 , land using tax will be applicable to all foreign invested enterprise , which was waived for fie before 從2007年1月1號開始,土地使用稅將適用于所有之前不用交納該項稅款的外資企業。 |
How is the tax computed on dividend , interest and royalty that is distributed by the fie to the foreign investors situated outside china 問:如何計算從外商投資企業取得的股息、利息、和特許權使用費的所得稅? |
Another fie patients had undergone major bowel surgery after being struck down by the bug and 11 more had been treated 另有5名患者在受到這種病菌感染后病倒并按受了腸部的大手術,還有11人接受了治療。 |
So it is quite important to research the filed - bus technology in automatic fie ld and design the products 因此,在我國自動化領域內研究現場總線技術,并展開其相關產品的研制工作具有相當重要的意義。 |
Snps in fie noel independent loci exhibited strong and consistent eidence of association with breast cancer ( p < 10 ( - 7 ) ) 在五種新的獨立的基因位點的單核苷酸多態性顯出強的一致的證據與乳腺癌相關。 |
Our company has used bvi companies as the investors for the fie . will this legal structure be affected 問:我們用英屬處女島bvi公司作為外商獨資企業的投資者。新稅法是否對這公司架構有影響? |
Would you please gie me seen fie - pound notes , four pound notes and four ten - shilling notes , and the rest in small change 請你給我7張5鎊紙幣, 4張1鎊紙幣, 4張10先令紙幣,剩下的要零票。 |
Only 3 percent of people with glioblastoma surie fie years , with the aerage surial being just under a year 只有百分之三患了膠質母細胞瘤的病人能存活五年以上,平均存活期只有不到一年。 |
Meanwhile , the fie largest cros hae increased their market share and now hold 45 per cent of the total market 與此同時, 5家最大的cro不斷提高市場份額,目前其份額已占整個市場的45 % 。 |
Women aged between 25 and 49 are offered smears eery three years while those aged 50 to 64 receie fie - yearly checks 年齡25 - 49歲的女性要求每3年檢查一次,而50 - 64歲女性每5年查一次。 |