
fictional adj.虛構的;小說的。adv.-ly


Some students voted for ordinary people and even fictional characters , such as harry potter 普通人,甚至像哈里波特這樣的虛構人物也成為一部分大學生的偶像。

Well some might say they wished bush to be a fictional character , but sadly not 有些人大概真的會說,他們希望布什是小說里的人物,但遺憾的是他不是。

All characters and events in this show - - even those based on real people - - are entirely fictional 本劇中所有角色情節- -即使源于真實- -都是虛構的。

This tool and the fictional organization that it supports are hereafter referred to as the 因此它支持的這個工具以及虛構的組織后面我們叫做

Traces of ' soul ' and ' behavior ' : observation on ding ling ' s real life from her fictional texts 從丁玲的虛擬文本看其真實人生

A , uh , fictional story 虛構的意味

The crisscross of two kinds of revolution - the epoch realization of zhao shuli ' s fictional creation 論趙樹理小說創作的時代意識

Construction of fictional views of reality that the populace is coerced into believing 描寫大眾被脅迫去相信對現實虛構觀點。

The cultural metaphor function of the fictional texts by the chinese taiwanese writer lv he - ruo 呂赫若小說文本的文化隱喻功能

How can it be that a fictional character can out run the president of all people 一部書里的人物怎么會與一國的總統相比呢?

On the cause of supernatural beings manifesting in fictional writings of qing dynasty 清代白話公案小說表現鬼神因素原因初探

Any information seen on these products is to be treated as fictional 本公司有研發團隊專為各類型手機改裝,如有疑問請

In rowling ' s fictional reality , there is no other place and time 在羅琳虛構的現實世界中,卻沒有另一個空間和時間。

Towards the reproduction of verbal beauty in fictional translation 從翻譯美學的角度論小說翻譯中人物語言的審美再現

On the fictional translation and the translated fictions during the late qing dynasty 論晚清的小說翻譯與翻譯小說

Development of media and modern evolution of the norion of fictional language 傳媒發展與小說語言觀念的近代變革

On the characteristics of fictional language transformation since new period 新時期以來小說語言革新的幾個特點

Disclaimer : all the statement of this post is consider as fictional 免責條款?此文章之所有內容應被視作虛構。

I wrote this whole fictional version in which you actually do show up 我寫了一段虛構的情節,說你最后出現了