
fickle adj.輕浮的,反復無常的,易變的。n.-ness


The most popular baby names in england and wales this year were disclosed yesterday , showing that parents who have girls are more adventurous , or fickle , than those who have boys . the top four boys “ names - jack , joshua , thomas and james , in that order - has remained unchanged for four years . oliver replaced daniel at number five in the only change to the top five 在英格蘭地區“ 2005年最受歡迎的男孩名字”排行榜上, “杰克” jack “喬舒亞” joshua “托馬斯” thomas和“詹姆斯” james分別位列前4名,這一順序在近4年里都未發生過變化。

Her mixture of high spirits , sadness , ingenuousness and prostitution , the very illness which as surely heightened her sensitivity to impressions as it did her nervous reactions ? everything made me see that if , from the outset , i did not gain some hold over her heedless , fickle nature , then she would be lost to me forever 這種既有快樂,又有悲傷,既有純潔,又有淫欲的混合物,還有那使她精神亢奮,容易沖動的疾病,這一切都使我知道了如果一開始我就控制不了這個輕浮和健忘的女人,我就會失去她。

American banks ' average net interest margin ? the spread between what they pay depositors and charge borrowers ? has fallen to its lowest level since 1991 as banks scramble to reduce their reliance on fickle wholesale markets by raising the rates they offer to depositors 為了盡量擺脫對動蕩的批發市場的依賴而采取提高向存款人支付利息的做法,使美國銀行的平均凈利差(所支付存款人的與所收取借款人的之間的差)降到了1991年以來的最低水平。

As usual , the fickle , unreasoning world took muff potter to its bosom and fondled him as lavishly as it had abused him before . but that sort of conduct is to the world s credit ; therefore it is not well to find fault with it 那些喜怒無常沒有腦子的人們,又像往常一樣,把莫夫波特當作老伙計,對他非常親密友好,那股熱情勁兒就和當初他們起勁地凌辱他一樣。

Still , the tankadere was so light , and her fine sails caught the fickle zephyrs so well , that , with the aid of the current , john bunsby found himself at six o clock not more than ten miles from the mouth of shanghai river 小船靠著順流海水的推送前進,到了下午六點鐘,約翰班斯比估計到黃浦江只有十來海里了,因為上海離吳淞口至少還有十二海里。

The moon child is far too moody and sensitive for your fickle ways . you are not a homebody like the crab . you have totally different interests then a cancer 雙子巨蟹:守護星是月亮的巨蟹座人多愁善感,與你行事方法格格不入。你也不是一個像他那樣的喜歡過居家生活的人。你們的興趣太不一樣,勉強在一起也不會幸福哦。

Yet competition for ( relatively thin ) wallets is increasing , fashions are fickle and state regulators are increasingly meddling in an industry that has captured their imaginations 盡管賺錢的競爭正在增加(相對弱了些) ,但形式還不穩定的,并且國家監管部門的行業干預也越來越嚴重了,這限制了互聯網的發展。

Mr zoellick has always refused to admit this , even as the us has used bilateral deals to favour loyal allies ( such as australia ) and punish fickle friends ( such as new zealand ) 對此,策利克先生始終拒絕承認,哪怕美國已經利用雙邊協定來惠顧其忠誠的盟國(如澳大利亞) ,同時懲罰其薄情的朋友(如新西蘭) 。

However , it did n ' t work well in reality , because some students who had found good jobs were not satisfied with their work in practice , and they felt blank and fickle 而事實一再證明,即使有些同學在此基礎上獲得了常人普遍認為的“好”工作,他們在日后的工作中卻并不如人意,茫然、浮躁等困擾著他們。

Yet competition for ( relatively thin ) wallets is increasing , fashions are fickle and state regulators are increasingly meddling in an industry that has captured their imaginations 盡管賺錢的競爭正在增加(相對弱一些) ,市場風云變幻,而且國家部門越來越嚴重的行業干預也限制了互聯網的發展。

They would far rather lend the us the money with which to buy their exports than endanger their competitiveness or become reliant on fickle foreign finance 它們寧可把錢借給美國,讓美國用借來的錢購買它們向美國出口的商品,而不愿使自己的競爭力受到威脅,或者受變化無定的外國金融市場左右。

Gemini & cancer : the moon child is far too moody and sensitive for your fickle ways . you are not a homebody like the crab . you have totally different interests 這個受月亮保護的孩子相對于你的輕浮善變來說過于喜怒無常,多愁善感。你不像他們那樣家庭至上。你們有著完全不同的興趣愛好。

This is not a likely match . the illusive , fickle gemini will drive you to distraction , which in turn could bring out your vengeful side 天蝎雙子:這兩個星座的人不太可能在一起。善變且充滿幻想的雙子座人經常分散你的注意力,另一方面,你記仇的個性也不適合對方。

The junta and those among the fickle bangkok elite who excused the coup should have learned their lesson that extra - constitutional excursions do not solve problems 軍人集團和那些為政變申辯的曼谷的精英們應該已經得到教訓了,超越憲法的行為不能解決任何問題。

Of all the factors that have shaped his career in a fickle industry , lee said he is sure about the one that has hurt him most : looking chinese 在這個變化無常的業界,形塑他演唱生涯的所有因素中,李哈林說,他確信,傷害他最大的莫過于長相一看就像老中。

Wall street securities firms do not have access to such a stable supply of funding , so they have to raise capital in fickle markets instead 華爾街的證券公司無法得到基金的穩定供給,所以,作為替代,他們只得在風云變幻的市場里面募集資金。

Local retail customers are fickle : the surge of money into equities this quarter partly reflects outflows from money market funds 本地散戶客戶反復無常:本季度流入股市的資金大幅上升,其中部分資金就是從貨幣市場基金中流出的。

This fickle , unsteady mind , difficult to guard , difficult to control , the wise man makes straight , as the fletcher the arrow 既易變又不定的思想是很難去約束、去控制;但是有智慧的人的思想就很直率,就像制箭人的箭那么直率。

He notes that writing engine - control code gives him fewer headaches than producing driver software for the fickle video game market 他表示,比起為變化無常的電動玩具市場提供驅動軟體,撰寫引擎控制程式令他好過多了。