
fhwa FHWA = Federal Highway Admin...


By using both the prediction model from transportation ministry and the fhwa models , the prediction results were analyzed for high ways at different sections , different design speeds , detection points , traffic volumes , distances , heights , and at various other road conditions . the prediction results and the actual results were compared and the accuracy of prediction were assessed 本文通過比較分析了fhwa預測模式和交通部預測模式在高速公路不同監測路段、設計時速、測點、車流量、距離、高差、地面狀況條件下的預測結果,并對預測結果和實測結果進行預測精度和變化趨勢的比較研究。

One is recommended by the chinese transportation ministry and is specified in “ assessment criteria for environmental impact from road construction projects , jtj005 - 96 “ ( to be referred as prediction model from transportation ministry ) . the other is recommended by the national environmental protection bureau and is published in “ the general guidelines for environmental assessment technologies ? ound environment , hj / t2 . 4 ? 995 “ . this model is the high way noise prediction model from the united states federal high way authority ( fhwa ) 本論文針對當前我國道路交通噪聲預測中應用得極為廣泛的兩種模式:我國交通部在《公路建設項目環境影響評價規范(試行) ( jtj005 ? 96 ) 》推薦的模型(以下簡稱為交通部預測模型)和國家環境保護總局發布的《環境評價技術導則?聲環境[ hj t2 . 4 ? 1995 ] 》推薦的美國聯邦公路管理局( fhwa )公路噪聲預測模型(以下簡稱為fhwa預測模型) ,在進行預測時的比較研究。

In order to assess the rationality and accuracy of the revised fhwa model , it was used under various road traffic conditions . the actual results were compared with the results obtained from the revised model 為了檢驗fhwa修正模式的合理性和準確性,把這修正后的模式應用到其他高速公路在不同狀況下與實測結果的比較以及修正前模式的比較。

After a detailed literature review and by conducting experiments , the fhwa model was revised 通過查閱大量文獻和實測工作,對fhwa進行一定修正。

The final conclusion was that the revised fhwa model is both versatile and accurate 最終的結論是fhwa修正后模式的通用性、精度確較好。

Bureau of public road renamed to fhwa 美國聯邦公路局

It was found that the fhwa model gave a more accurate prediction 得出fhwa預測模式和實測符合較好。