
feudality n.1.封建制度,封建性。2.封地,采邑。


Secondly , its content hasconflict with the system and it can make the system to a downfall . among the three characters . information organization is the most impotw andstable while benifit organization and control lbject embody the artificial operatingcharatel ii . fundamental causes of medium ' s industriazationwth the development of huznan societyindustry revolution happened in thewest accelerated society productivity and solved the technical obstacles of publicconununication meditun . bourgeois was becoming stronger and stronger andovercame feudality at last . wth the victory of bourgeois , market economy was devoloing quickly . thepublic communication medium of capitalism are now pursuing benefits bothobjectively and subjectively but it is impossible in the past and accomplished theprocess of early industriaiization . ' it is discussed from chinese public communication medium - - - - newspaper ' semergence , developing process and its sinuosityit comes to a conclusion that thefundarnental cause of the public communication medium is that benefit and controlinieract each other . that is to saywhen benefit is stronger control is weaker and viceversa . lll . the proccss of chincse mcdium and individual devclopmcntl . under the functions of intemal prusuing benefit desire and pursuing benefitcondition , it appeared the upsurge that newspapermen set up newspaper and new tvstation was set tip from l979 to l982 . 2 . the upsurge of a series of tv channel and enlargement in newspapel3 . the cooperation of post and delivery and owning delivery also gives a rapiddevolopment to newspapers . 4 . the strengthening of individual collectivization embodies that theindustrialization gets on a new stage . 5 . the illtemational fimds also ellter into 資產階級的勝利,市場經濟得以迅速發展,資產階級的大眾傳播業主完成了由過去不能追求、也沒有條件追求經濟利益而變成了主觀上努力追求,客觀條件上也能夠追求經濟利益的轉變,從而完成了大眾媒介最初的產業化過程。從中國大眾傳播媒介? ?報紙的產生,發展過程及其曲折等方面來論述,得出了大眾傳播媒介產業化的最根本動因就是利益和控制的互動,也就是說利益強時控制則弱化,當控制強時則利益弱化。三、中國大眾傳播媒介產業化進程和個體發展第一、在自身獲利欲望及外在獲利條件的雙重作用下,從1979年至1982發生了在報業的第一次辦報熱潮和發生在廣播業電視業的建臺熱。

With compared xu ' s thought of moral cultivation with chen xianzhang ' s and wang yangming ' s , it was concluded that xu was more a continuator and then it seemed that his thoughts was thin in theory , xu was open to christianity as wide as to western culture . with the help of christianity , xu attempted to induce human nature into the way to goodness that is of human originally . moreover , h e stressed that christianity was of assistance to confucianism and buddhism , i . e . , it had the capacity to reinforce feudality ' s governing 在宗教教化思想這個問題上,徐光啟對待基督教這一外來文化的心胸同對待西學一樣是非常開放的,徐光啟試圖用基督教的力量把人性引上發乎本心的善的道路,強調宗教在“補儒易佛”上能夠對社會文化實現比較積極的調和作用,他還認為基督教可以“左右儒術,救正佛法” ,它有“補益王化”的政教功能。

Under the feudality system and man authority . the women in qing dynasty were ruined ruthlessly both in body and mind 摘要清代的深閨制度使婦女的身心遭到無情摧殘,尤以男權制度壓制為甚。