feudalism n.1.封建主義,封建制度。2.寡頭制度。短語和例子in...
n. 1.封建主義,封建制度。 2.寡頭制度。 短語和例子industrial feudalism 工業上的寡頭制度。 “a stronghold of feudalism“ 中文翻譯: 封建堡壘“dregs of feudalism“ 中文翻譯: 封建余孽“feudalism in history“ 中文翻譯: 歷史上的封建制“spectre of feudalism“ 中文翻譯: 封建主義幽靈“survivals of feudalism“ 中文翻譯: 封建殘余“pernicious vestiges of feudalism“ 中文翻譯: 封建余毒“the last years of feudalism“ 中文翻譯: 封建末世“feudale“ 中文翻譯: 費烏達萊“feudalist“ 中文翻譯: 封建論者; 封建主義者“feudal system“ 中文翻譯: 封建制度“feudalistic“ 中文翻譯: adj. 封建制度的,封建主義(者)的。 “feudal society was rigidly stratified“ 中文翻譯: 封建社會等級森嚴“feudality“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.封建制度,封建性。 2.封地,采邑。 “feudal society“ 中文翻譯: 封建社會; 封建時代“feudalization“ 中文翻譯: 封建化; 使成封建制度“feudal service“ 中文翻譯: 封建徭役
feudalistic |
It deals with our country ' s situation , the present of the old aged population , the measure to carry the old aged political socialization . it considers that is the economic base to safeguard the old people ' s lawful interests , to solve their living difficulties , the community is the principal way to advance the old aged political socialization ; relaying the community to arouse the masses to help respect and love the old people is the social base , to strengthen the management to ensure the funds throwing is the key question , to train old aged personnel is the main assortment , to arouse the enthusiasm of the masses and the old people is the good measure , to promote the socialization must be helped by the public opinion , the first to built the community management system to help the old people with their life , the second is to organize the community ' s cultural and physical activities , the third is to help the old people to resist the feudalism 認為:維護老齡人口的合法權益,解決他們生活中的實際問題,是促進老齡人口政治社會化的經濟基礎;社區是促進老齡人口政治社會化的主要通道和平臺;依托社區,發動城市居民參加志愿者助老服務隊伍,營造尊老敬老氛圍,是促進老齡人口政治社會化的社會基礎;加大監管力度,確保資金投入的效果,是促進老齡人口政治社會化的關鍵環節;開展系統的專業培訓,提高老齡工作隊伍素質,是促進老齡人口政治社會化的重要保證;調動社會各方力量以及老年人自身的積極性,廣泛參與和支持,是促進城市老齡人口政治社會化的重要措施;促進老齡人口政治社會化,要加大輿論的引導和支持;促進老齡人口政治社會化的切入點一是建立社區老年思想政治工作機制,把思想政治工作滲透到社區管理、社區服務、治安聯防、老年學校、鄰里互助、解決老年人生活困難等多種形式的活動中去。 |
The dynastic firmness of right maintenance feudalism of traditional and political culture in china have the positive effect , and arrive the modern age to suffer the impact to start declining , but because the traditional and political culture have the mighty sloth , and add it we as to it ' s the anti think not enough , make us face the political culture to the modern conversion from the tradition , easily produce perplexity , and be recognized with difficulty the superior quality . we must be political to tradition culture reserve the reasonableness 但由于傳統政治文化具有強大的惰性,加之我們對其反思不夠,使我們面臨政治文化由傳統向現代轉換時,易產生困惑,難辨優質與劣質,傳統政治文化中有許多方面與社會的變革和發展不相適應,如家長制、權力至上等,所以我們必須對傳統政治文化的價值意義作理性審視,我們只有批判、剔除其消極因素,抉取、更新其積極因素,才能實現傳統政治文化真正意義上的現代轉換。 |
Thirdly , the thesis lists some external and internal problems in carrying into the culture strategy in the foreign economy and trade , such as the ideology problem , the planned economy idea and the feudalism thought , they all impact our culture strategy in the foreign economy and trade . fourthly , the thesis put forward to my opinion for setting down and implementing exact culture strategy , we will create the macro circumstance and micro foundation to speed the development of our foreign economy and trade . finally , we make the right culture strategy in the foreign economy and trade to serve our modernization drive , hasten the development of our economy , enlarge our foreign trade , and realize the great goal which put forward at the 16th congress to build a well - off society in an all round way 即在實現國家現代化和推動建立國際經濟新秩序的格局下制定我國對外經濟貿易的文化戰略;深入學習wto規則,樹立法制觀念和人本主義精神,為制定對外經濟貿易文化戰略提供思想基礎和觀念準備;在全球文化多元化的激蕩中鍛造剛健強大的民族精神;同時堅持體制改革與文化創新相結合戰略;堅持“引進來”與“走出去”戰略;最后要著力打造實施文化戰略的微觀基礎? ?企業的文化戰略與文化建設,只有從事對外經濟貿易活動的企業搞好自身的文化建設,才能使我們制定的文化戰略得以切實的執行,從而達到我們實現社會主義現代化的宏偉目標。 |
The text of this paper discusses the crime objects of embezzlement from four aspects : chapter i : provisions of ancient and modem criminal law to embezzlement crime . this part introduce the provisions regarding embezzlement crime in chinese past dynasties , putting focus on investigating the provisions regarding crime objects of embezzlement . the earliest provisions about embezzlement in china appeared in the warring states , and oin dynasty had some relevant rules . while tang dynasty , which stood at the height of power and splendor for political and economic development in feudalism society , prescribed more detailed embezzlement crime and gave a definite classification to the crime objectives . the objectives of crime stipulated in tang dynasty law consist of commissioned property , loaned property , lost property and hidden property generally 筆者認為,不動產可以成為侵占罪對象;對于種類物能否成為侵占罪的犯罪對象應該具體分析;無形物可以成為侵占罪對象;知識產品不能成為侵占罪的對象;違禁物和贓物不宜成為侵占罪的犯罪對象。 “遺忘物”和“遺失物”二者不能等同,遺失物不是侵占罪的犯罪對象,埋藏物既包括私人所有的埋藏物,也包括屬于國家或集體所有的埋藏物。文章在最后指出,應用“遺失物”取代“遺忘物” ;應將脫離他人持有的財物作為侵占罪的犯罪對象。 |
And so on , adopting the studying method of combining macrocosmic and microcosmic , dynamic and static state each other , the paper carrys through a in - depth comprehensive study of the whole commercial law system of ming dynasty in order to open out its inherent structure , basic function and running mechanism . looking the ming “ commercial law as a representative example , the paper explores the particularity and the orderliness of development of chinese feudalism legal system 本文以明代法典、名臣奏議、律學著作、司法檔案、判牘、契約、訟師秘本等內容豐富的法制史料為主要依據,采用宏觀與微觀、動態與靜態相結合的研究方法,對明代整個商事法制體系進行深入的綜合性研究,以揭示其內在結構、基本功能和運行機制。 |
Using empirical method , this paper compares the content of the marriage law in han and tang dynasty , which is the reflection of the initial stage and middle stage of feudalism society respectively , to find the development characteristics of ancient family ( marriage ) law 本篇論文以實證研究的方法,對漢、唐戶(婚)律的內容進行比較,以期找出我國古代戶(婚)律的發展特點。 |
The summer palace is the largest , the most well preserved and the last piece of the feudalism royal garden among imperial gardens in the type of china ' s architectures 頤和園表現出了中國傳統造園藝術的特點,集合了北方私人園林的精華,繼承了歷代皇家園林特有的風格。 |
Derk bodde : feudalism in china . essays on chinese civilization . edited and introduced by charles le blanc and dorothy borei . princeton university press , new jersey , 1981 載《華夏文明與傳世藏書? ?中國國際漢學研討會論文集》中國社會科學出版社, 1996年。 |
Derk bodde : feudalism in china . essays on chinese civilization . edited and introduced by charles le blanc and dorothy borei . princeton university press , new jersey , 1981 載《華夏文明與傳世藏書? ?中國國際漢學研討會論文集》中國出版社, 1996年。 |
These three doctrines come down to one thing : the opposition of cultural absolutism in the late period of feudalism 考察思想史上的這一段進程,對中國哲學史的研究方法多有啟示。 |
Criticizing feudalism : the significant achievement in spiritual and ideological progress in china 中國精神文明建設的重大理論成果 |
China has had a long history of feudalism 中國有著長期的被侵占歷史。 |
Feudalism - all the details of misplaced conceptions and repartee 概念錯位的原委及應對 |
Marx identified four stages through which the relations of production and society had passed, namely primitive communism, slavery, feudalism and capitalism . 馬克思把生產關系和社會關系已經歷的發展過程區分為四個階段,即原始共產主義,奴隸社會,封建社會和資本主義社會。 |
Modern, industrial society, slowly germinating in the shadow of medievalism, burst the bonds of feudalism . 現代工業社會緩慢地在中世紀精神的陰影下孕育成長著,終于掙脫了封建制度的枷鎖。 |
Roman feudalism produced legal rules and legal institutions strikingly similar to english feudalism . 羅馬封建主義所確立的法律規則和制度與英國封建主義的非常相似。 |
Under feudalism , young people could not marry the person of their own choice . 在封建制度下,婚姻不能自主。 |
Feudalism was falling apart and the new city republics were rising . 封建制度正在崩潰中,新的城邦正在崛起。 |