
feudal adj.1.封建的;封建制度[時代]的。2.封地的,采邑...


A : because it seemed to the english not unlike the book of doom to be used by the greatest feudal lord of all on judgment day 這題問答題的意思好像不是這么問的,這題大意是:為什么把威廉的末日審判書稱為財產記錄冊

Because it seemed to the english not unlike the book of doom to be used by the greatest feudal lord of all on judgment day 這題問答題的意思好像不是這么問的,這題大意是:為什么把威廉的末日審判書稱為財產記錄冊

The cultural high - handed policy of the feudal ruler heartlessly killed the psychological motivation and the possibility of the writers ' creation 此外,中國傳統的戀“史”審美心理也起到了推波助瀾的作用。

The film follows three sisters just before 1949 as the lives were utterly destroyed by the absurdity of the feudal values 多妹成親尚未滿三年,每次團聚?與夫君隔簾而坐,感情漸淡。

A deadly and uber - cute ninja assassin who embarks on a mission to take down three vicious warlords in feudal japan 直到霸主豐臣秀吉的出現,各處爭戰才得以平息,迎來了短暫的和平。

A comparative analysis of the forces in the controversy between the school of feudal ethics and the school of law in the late qing law making 試析清末修律中禮法之爭的力量對比

Who knows whether or not these industrious worthies do not pay to their feudal lord some dues for his protection ? 誰知道這不折不扣的實干家會不會付些保護費給他們的地主呢? ”

Social and psychological origin of scholar - officials ' makings getting tender in feudal china and its reflection in literature 中國男性文人氣質柔化的社會心理淵源及其文學表現

Reversion of land held under feudal tenure to the manor in the absence of legal heirs or claimants 無繼承人的土地規領主缺少法定繼承人或繼承申請者的封地的所有權的轉歸領主

The biggest contribution he had made was to help qi huangong ( a feudal duke of qi ) to build a forceful empire 管仲是春秋時期著名的政治家,他幫助齊桓公建立了春秋霸業。

Zunjing attic is famous for the flourish of the education in the later period of the feudal society of china 清末雖廢科舉,而書院講學之風未息,書院山長的講學,多以

A study on the relationship between scholars in feudal china and prostitutes from scholar - prostitute poems of tang dynasty 從唐人的士妓詩看唐代士子和妓女的關系

Trying to discuss the influence of chinese feudal patriarchal system for chinese modern female child literature 試論中國宗法制度對中國現代女性兒童文學的影響

It was perfected until tang dynasty and had a sweeping influence on the following periods of feudal society 本文分三個部分對唐代保辜制度做了詳細的研究。

The evolution of the examination system for feudal officials in ancient china and its current inspiration 中國古代職官考課制度的沿革及其現代啟示

Lu and chi were two feudal states in the spring and autumn era ( 722 - 481 b . c . ) 魯和齊是中國春秋時代(公元前七二二? ?前四八一)的兩個國家。

This seemed likely to be a casual choice , especially when a feudal emperor stayed in power 時光流轉,道家一派終在漢初得到君王大用。

The poem possess distinguishing feature in the feudal dynasties of past ages 王維、孟浩然等田園詩人于中國文學史上占有一席之地。

On the nature of the chinese feudal autocracy - a political analysis in the sight of naturalism 一種本質主義視域中的政治學解讀