
fetlock n.1.距毛,(馬蹄上部的)叢毛。2.(生距毛處的)球節...


Concentri fetlock needed in ttvgt structure , and is useful for ttvgt macwi and applitalon de the analsis of the tt - vgt structure , the drict eqwt for m position h are ehabiished , for on alh won methed , a wtc appidac for the inare ~ acemen analysis of 7 - celled meded tetiahedid vgtm is propoed 本課題以變幾何桁架宏-微機器人為主要研究對象,對機器人的位置分析、運動學、實現避開障礙物的軌跡規劃、智能控制及其系統設計開發等進行了較全面、深入的研究。

Jiang men hua jing display equipment co . , ltd . - portable display , popup display , banner stand , x stand , truss display , fetlock display , sales promotional , display shelf 江門市華景展覽展示器材有限公司原江門市堅順五金制品廠