
fetishistic adj.1.拜物教(徒)的;盲目崇拜的。2.【心理學】物...


Li s voyeuristic , fetishistic approach to history finds perfect expression in this format , as some of the outrageous anecdotes in the film are based on real exploits of real warlords in history 李翰祥特別拿手大軍閥式雜碎電影,拍得自然而流暢。本片贏得商業上的重大成就,同時亦開展了許冠文的電影事業。

He was also notorious for his fetishistic attention to details and was fondly remembered for an exceptional ability to work with actors , making stars out of several unknowns 他對電影語言掌握出色,對某些題材及多種細節又有一份近乎沉溺的執,作品因此有非常強烈的個人風格。

And his adaptations offer re - interpretations of the story while indulging in fetishistic eroticism that ranges from bondage to bound feet 李氏對古代生活小節服飾之講究,使畫面蕩漾古典色香。