
festival adj.節日的,喜慶的。n.1.節日,喜慶日;慶祝典禮。...


Presenter : hong kong international film festival society 主辦香港國際電影節協會

Successful end to innovation festival 2006 with photos 創新科技節圓滿結束附圖

Not interested in music festivals didn t like the location 對呢類音樂節目無興趣

Traffic arrangement for kwun yum treasury opening festival 觀音開庫特別交通措施

This year s festival will be celebrated on feb . 25 今年的慶典將在2月25日舉行。

The film has been in several film festivals 影片在幾個電影節都取得不錯的反應。

I lead a christmas festival that have no snow again 我又會過一個沒雪的圣誕節。

This festival was the brainchild of the local mayor 這場慶典是當地市長的構思。

You will marry her in the spring , during the festival , 春天過節時他就會和她結婚

He laughed, sang, shuffled and shouted in a festival of inebriated ecstasy until he could no longer keep awake and receded peacefully into slumber . 他又笑又叫,又唱又跳,好象過節似的興高采烈,如醉如癡,直鬧到眼睛睜不開來,安安靜靜地進入了睡鄉。

You positively must come to know a lady here, who is really capable of understanding you; and for whom your visit would be a real festival . 您一定要去見見這里的一位女士,她完全可以了解您,要是您肯去拜訪她,她一定會當作一種了不起的喜事。

We welcome the seasons by the riverside , crowning the youngest girl with flowers in the spring , holding a summer festival on midsummer eve , 我們在河邊迎接四季的到來,在春季,給最年輕的姑娘帶上花冠;在施洗約翰節前夕,舉行夏日之節。

When we chinese look at the moon cake , we all hope that our chinese compatriots in taiwan will soon enjoy the happy reunion festival in their motherland . 看到月餅,我們都渴望臺灣骨肉同胞早日回歸祖國,歡聚一堂,共度團圓節。

The annual smithsonian festival of american folk life celebrates hands-hands plucking guitars and playing fiddles . 一年一度的美國民間的“史密斯索尼安節”是贊美人的雙手的節日--彈拔吉他的手,演奏小提琴的手。

The decorations of evergreen trees and festoons threw off a pungent aroma that suggested a sunday-school christmas festival . 那些常綠樹和花彩裝飾品發出一股濃郁的芳香,叫人想起主日學校里的圣誕慶祝會。

Holiday is used in both britain and the us to mean a single day without work because of a religious or national festival . “holiday”被用于英美兩國因宗教節日或國家喜慶而停止工作的單個的一天。

There was a story that, at the age of nine, she won a poetry reading prize at a local drama festival . 據說她在九歲的時候,曾在當地的一次戲劇會演中獲得了詩歌朗誦獎。

The festival brings together traditional workers in the crafts and a legion of youthful admirers . 傳統手工藝藝人和大批愛好手工藝的青年人匯集在一起慶祝這個節日。

In ragged shorts and bare feet they come from across the country to set up the festival . 他們穿著毛邊短褲,赤著腳從全國各地來到這里組織這個節日的各種活動。