
ferula n.( pl. -lae )1.【植物;植物學】阿魏。2...


Cluster analysis based on rapd showed that at 76 % similarity level , all tested isolated could be clusted into nine groups , i . e . 1 p . ostreatus and p . florida , ii p . ostreatm p . sapidus , p . spodoleucus and p . eryngii , iii p . colnmbinus , p . corlicalus , p . cornucopiae , p . nebrodensis and p . ferulae ; iv p . pulmonarius and p . sajor - caju , v three isolates with indefinite species , vi p . luber - regium , vii p . cilrinopileatus , viii p . djamor and p . salmoneoslramincus , ix p . abalonus and p . cysliodism . 4 . a single uniform product 1 . 46kb in size resulted from pcr amplification of the 5 “ half of the 28s rrna gene for all isolates of pleurolus and the other three genera 隨機擴增多態性dna的聚類分析表明,在76相似水平下,可將供試的側耳菌株聚成九大類,第一大類包括糙皮側耳、佛羅里達側耳;第二大類包括美味側耳、灰白側耳、剌芹側耳;第三大類包括哥倫比亞側耳、裂皮側耳、黃白側耳、阿魏蘑、白阿魏蘑;第四大類包括肺形側耳和鳳尾菇;第五大類為3株未定名的側耳;第六大類僅有具核側耳;第七大類為金頂側耳;第八大類包括紅平菇和桃紅側耳;第九大類包括鮑魚菇和囊蓋側耳。

Cluster analysis based on its pcr - rflp suggested that seven groups were distinguishable for pleurotus on 93 % similairity coefficient , i . e . p . oslrealus complex ( including p . ostreatus , p . florida , p . sapidus , p . corticalus , p . cornucopias , p . columbinus , p . spodoleucus , p . ferulae , p . nebrodensis and p . sp . ) , p . eryngii , p . pulmonarius - p Itspcr一rflp聚類分析結果表明, 52個側耳菌株在93 %的相似系數水平可分為七類,第一類包括糙皮側耳、佛羅以達側耳、美味側耳、裂皮側耳、黃白側耳、哥倫比亞側耳、灰自側耳、阿魏蘑、白阿魏蘑;第二類為刺芹側耳;第三類包括月

Abalonus and p . cystiodisus , iii p . tuber - regium , imp . citrinopileatus , v the other tested isolates , including p . ostreatus , p . florida , p . sapidus , p . corticatus , p . cornucopias , p . columbinus , p . spodoleucus , p . ferulae , p . nebrodensis , p . eryngii , p . pulmonarius , p . sajor - caju and pleurotus sp 28srdna5 ’端pcr ? rflp聚類分析結果表明,在92的相似系數下,可將52個側耳菌株分為五類:紅平菇和桃紅平菇;鮑魚菇和囊蓋側耳:具核側耳;金頂側耳;其它供試側耳。

He teachs the earliest the educational orgnaization that at china the word sponsors the first times by the government - - of special school is national beijing art dramatically , put down ferula finally at shanghai thespian institute 他最早執教于中國話劇史上第一個由政府主辦的教育機構? ?國立北京藝術專門學校的戲劇系,最后放下教鞭于上海戲劇學院。

The nutritional assessment of the proteins from the fruiting bodies of pleurotus ferulae lanzi and p . eryngii var . nebrodensis 阿魏菇與白靈菇蛋白質的營養評價