
fencer n.1.劍術師,擊劍家。2.籬笆匠。3.能跳過籬笆的馬。...


The duellist , who insisted on the conflict being fought in accordance with the principles of the fencers art , stands for the french ; his opponent , who flung away his sword and snatched up a cudgel , did like the russians ; and the attempted description of the duel in accordance with the rules of swordsmanship has been given us by the historians of the war 要求按照擊劍規則來決斗的是法國人,把劍扔掉而抄起棍子打的是法國人的對手俄國人極力按照擊劍規則說明問題的是描述這場戰爭的歷史學家。

Napoleon was aware of it , and from the time when he stood waiting in moscow in the correct pose of the victorious fencer , and instead of his opponents sword , saw the bludgeon raised against him , he never ceased complaining to kutuzov and to the emperor alexander that the war was being conducted contrary to all the rules of war . as though any rules existed for the slaughter of men 拿破侖已感知道了這一點,自從他在莫斯科擺出正確的擊劍姿態,他看到的不是劍,而是對方將一根木棍高舉在他的頭上,他便抱怨庫圖佐夫和亞歷山大皇帝,說這場戰爭違反了一切規則就好像殺人也有什么規則一樣。

Despite have earned team gold in 2000 and 2005 , and having olympic medals under their belts , this is the first time a u . s . fencer has brought home an individual sabre women ' s world championship medal 盡管已經獲得2000年、 2005年女子佩劍團體冠軍和奧運會獎牌,但對于美國擊劍選手而言,這是第一次獲得擊劍世錦賽個人冠軍。

One of south korea ' s top women fencers was dropped from the country ' s national team because she underwent plastic surgery that included receiving cheek implants , local media reported 韓國一位頂級女子擊劍運動員因為接受了包括填充面頰在內的一系列整容手術,近日被開除出了國家隊。

Three hkbu lady fencers bjork cheng , sabrina lui and yeung chui - ling ( physical education and recreation management ) won the bronze medal in the women ' s epee team event 劍擊好手鄭玉嫻、呂慧妍和楊翠玲(體育及康樂管理)則奪得女子團體重劍銅牌。

One of south korea ' s top women fencers was dropped from the country ' s national team because she underwent plastic surgery that caused her to miss several days of practice 韓國一位頂級女子擊劍運動員因接受整容手術缺席訓練而被開除出國家隊

Because the most possible event is the women ' s foil fencing . and our fencer wang huifeng has been nipped by world champion trillini of italy 因為中國隊最有可能獲金牌的是女子花劍項目,而該項目的選手王卉鳳已被世界冠軍意大利的特里尼擊敗。

Nam hyun - hee , a top foil fencer , had cosmetic surgery in december on her eyes to fix a problem that meant her eyelashes were bothering her vision , reports said 由于眼睫毛影響到了她的視力,所以她于去年12月做了一次針對其眼部的整形手術。

A top class fencer requires balance , coordination , concentration , agility , flexibility and speed of thought and reaction 尖子擊劍運動員需要有平衡、協調、注意力集中、靈活性、柔韌性、思想和反應速度快等素質。

Protective clothing - hand , arm , chest , abdomen , leg , genital and face protectors for fencers - requirements and test methods ; german version en 13567 : 2002 防護服.擊劍運動員的手胳膊胸部腿生殖器和面

Protective clothing - hand , arm , abdomen , leg , genital and face protectors for fencers - requirements and test methods 防護服.擊劍運動員手部臂部腹部腿部生殖器和面部用防護器.要求和試驗方法

Protective clothing - hand , arm , chest , abdomen , leg , genital and face protectors for fencers - requirements and test methods 擊劍用手臂胸腹部腿生殖器和臉部的防護器具要求和試驗方法

At an exhibition of the world ' s best swordsman , the third - place fencer took the stage 在一項世界最偉大的劍客表演中,排名第三的擊劍手上了臺。

At an exhibition of the world ' s best swordsman , the third - place fencer took the stage 在一場世界最佳擊劍手表演中,排名第三的擊劍手上場了。

I ' m fencer 我是劍客

Fencer , watch it 劍客,小心啊!

Love fencer games 劍俠情緣小游戲

In your opinion , how can we improve the general standard of our fencers 你認為我們應該如何提高我們擊劍運動員的總體水平?

Fencer , don ' t leave me 劍客,別丟下我!