
felon n.重罪人,重罪犯。adj.〔詩〕殘忍的,兇惡的。


They are four felons : a victim of drug dealers most wants to see her boy but he treats her as a stranger ; a dancer who killed her husband meets her mistress in jail ; a killer who enjoy peace in prison is asked to do a job again ; a starlet was cheated by a rich man and wants to commit suicide because of the damage of her “ fixed “ face . . 四個女重囚的故事:無辜被控藏毒的婦人?望見兒子一面謀殺親夫的舞蹈家遇上其夫二奶在獄中尋求寧靜的殺手被求重操故業被騙的三線女星因面容變形欲自殺. .

I am the lineal descendant of that infant - i am the rightful duke of bridgewater ; and here am i , forlorn , torn from my high estate , hunted of men , despised by the cold world , ragged , worn , heart - broken , and degraded to the companionship of felons on a raft ! 我就是那個嬰兒的直系后代我才是名正言順的勃里奇華特公爵。如今我就在這里,形單影只,被剝奪了高位的尊榮,遭到人家的追捕,冷酷的世界白眼相加,衣衫襤褸,心靈破碎,落難到與木筏子上的罪人為伍! ”

Caderousse , awed by the superior power of the abb , sat down and wrote : - sir , - the man whom you are receiving at your house , and to whom you intend to marry your daughter , is a felon who escaped with me from confinement at toulon 卡德魯斯懾于神甫的威嚴,坐下來寫道: “先生現在蒙你優禮接待,并且快要和令媛結婚的那個人,是和我一同從土倫苦工船里逃出來的重犯,他是五十九號,我是五十八號。

But because of a second law passed in 1998 , the net ( no electronic theft ) act , his act of publishing would make eldred a felon ? whether or not anyone complained 可是由于1998年中頒布的另一條法案- - “禁止電子偷盜法案( net ) ” ,艾爾綴德出版圖書的行為將符合“重罪犯”的定義,即便無人投訴。

While jack frost , a serial killer , is being transferred to his place of execution , a truck transporting experimental chemicals collides with the felon s truck 連環殺手jack frost終于落網,當他被送往行刑時,沿途中與一架裝滿化學物品的貨車相撞, jack立即溶化在那些化學物品里。

While jack frost , a serial killer , is being transferred to his place of execution , a truck transporting experimental chemicals collides with the felon . . 連環殺手jack frost終于落網,當他被送往行刑時,沿途中與一架裝滿化學物品的貨車相撞, jack立即溶化在那些化學物品里。

You received a second fortune , money and tranquillity were restored to you , and you , who had been condemned to a felon s life , might live as other men 你又得到了一筆財產金錢和安寧又回到了你的身邊。你,你本來命中注定了要終生過囚徒生活的。又可以過常人那種生活了。

Albeit , the credit card excels any traditional tool of money in technology , because of the defect of itself , it becomes the prey of felons 雖然信用卡在高科技含量上遠遠甚于其它任何傳統的支付工具。但由于它自身的技術、管理的缺陷,成為犯罪分子覬覦的對象。

In order to understand the mind of the deviant , jackie musters up a group of hong kong felons to help him capture a criminal mastermind 國際刑警雞骨草(成龍飾)與助手獨腳金(元彪飾)聯同鷓鴣菜(洪金寶飾)等一班好友遠赴日本對付罪犯三哥及東京犯罪組織領袖。

Looking at the jury and the turbulent audience , he might have thought that the usual order of things was reversed , and that the felons were trying the honest men 看著陪審團和亂紛紛的觀眾,他可能以為正常秩序顛倒了過來,是罪犯在審判著正直的人呢!

Inspector steve mok yuen biao has been on their trail for a long time , but knowing that they are not vicious felons , he doesnt want to draw blood 莫史迪探長元彪飾一直留意著人字拖,但見他并非大奸大惡,也無心將他置諸死地。

The marshals service , joined by many federal , state , and local partners , targeted the worst - of - the - worst fugitive felons in the country 聯合了聯邦、州及地方有關機構的聯邦執法官署,此次將把目標放在那些罪大惡極的的逃犯上。

“ he died a more wretched , hopeless , heart - broken prisoner than the felons who pay the penalty of their crimes at the galleys of toulon . “他在牢里死了,死時比那些在土倫監獄里作苦工的重犯更悲慘,更無望,更心碎。 ”

More than 20 years ago , italian police issued a warrant for the arrest of a dangerous italian felon who had escaped from prison 20多年前,意大利警方發布了對一名危險的意大利重刑犯的通緝令,該罪犯逃出了監獄。

Its ex - felons have not had every right restored by mr crist and the clemency board 然而,佛羅里達已獲釋的重罪犯尚未完全享有克萊斯和行政赦免委員會已恢復的所有權利。

Hitler ' s early “ successes “ were only the startling depredations of a resolute felon 希特勒的早期“勝利” ,只不過是一個死心塌地的惡棍出人意料地搶掠得手而已。

Got six future felons for you , strauss . each one facing five to 1 0 - - 我給你抓了六個潛在的罪犯,施特勞斯給他們每人5到10天的- -

Got six future felons for you , strauss . each one facing five to 1 0 - 我給你抓了六個潛在的罪犯,施特勞斯給他們每人5到10天的-

Uh our felons first 呃,我的犯人先唱