
fellow n.1.同伴,伴侶;幫手;同事,同輩;同類,酒友。2.同...

fellow commoner

Some devil has deprived this fellow of his senses ! 他被魔鬼纏上身,迷住心竅啦!

He was a large and meaty fellow . 他塊頭很大,肉墩墩的。

Fellow sufferers commiserate with each other . 同病相憐。

He was independent of the opinion of his fellows . 別人的意見對他是毫無影響的。

My dear fellow , surely you do not mean that ! 親愛的朋友,肯定你不是那么認為!

What made the fellow do that ? 那位仁兄為什么要這樣做呢?

Do n't waste words on that fellow . 不要同那家伙白費口舌。

That black fellow saved my life . 那位黑人朋友救了我的命。

You're not fresh like all the other fellows . 你不象人家小伙子那么冒冒失失的。

What's this fellow charged with ? 這個家伙被指控干了什么?

You will soon get the better of that fellow . 像他那樣的家伙你是不難勝過他的。

The fellow has brought action against me for trespass . 那家伙控告我侵占土地。

He is a domineering sort of fellow . 他是一個飛揚跋扈的人。

We are all fellow passengers on a dot of earth . 我們都是一小塊土地上的過客。

You are a tall, handsome, and well-bred fellow . 你這么英俊魁梧,這么有教養。

He was a handsome young fellow . 他是一個漂亮的年輕小伙子。

The fellow had every appearance of a villain . 這個家伙渾身顯示出惡棍的氣勢。

That fellow bobs up like a cork . 那個人經過患難,東山再起。

My fellow travellers made good companions . 與我同路旅行的人成了我的好同伴。