
feeble adj.(-bler; -blest)1.無力的,虛弱的...


You won ' t last a week . - the feeble - minded need god too 你堅持不了一個禮拜智障兒童也需要上帝

Its economy is strained ; witness the ever feebler dollar 經濟停滯不前,美元的虛弱就是明證。

“ oh yes , yes ! “ said grace with feeble impatience “能的,能的! ”格雷絲有點不耐煩地說道。

A feeble cry came from the next room 從隔壁房間里傳來低弱的叫喊聲。

Sorrow has come on me ! my heart in me is feeble 我有憂愁,愿能自慰。我心在我里面發昏。

My grandmother has become feeble this year 今年我的祖母已變得軟弱無力。

Practice on mechanized reinforcement in feeble ground bases 軟土地基機械加固的工程實踐

Next to america , all this looks pretty feeble 步美國后塵,其實是金玉其外,敗絮其中。

Temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect 人類利用各種方法自欺欺人

Temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect . . 人類利用各種方法自欺欺人

He clasped her in his two feeble arms , sobbing 他用他的兩個瘦胳臂抱住她,抽泣著:

He thought that voice more feeble than usual 他覺得那個聲音比往常微弱得多。

This was his fatal defect ; he was of feeble will 這是他致命的弱點,他意志薄弱。

There at began a feeble scratching outside 接著,外面開始了一個輕微的刮擦聲。

There seemed one strong young figure standing up against long, dismal, drawling tides of drift and surrender, of wrong measurements and feeble impulses . 眼前是一個堅強的年青人,他巍然屹立,頂住那股長長的憂郁的、慢吞吞地流過來的潮流。那是一股毫無主見、動不動就屈服的潮流,也是估計錯誤、沖擊微弱的潮流。

He took the back seat of the carriage, after a feeble bow or two, and speech of thanks, polite to the last, and resolute in doing his duty . 他有氣無力地鞠了一兩個躬,說了許多感謝的話,表現了始終如一的禮數和盡責到底的決心,這才坐上馬車的后座。

Butler, apprehensive of the consequences of his agitation to an aged and feeble frame, ventured to utter to him a recommendation to patience . 巴特勒擔心這樣的激動會給一個上了年紀而體質衰弱的人帶來怎樣的后果,壯著膽子上前勸他忍耐一些。

Too much strength would make us drunk, and overweight our feeble reason till it fell and we were drowned in the depth of own vanity . 太大的力量則可能使我們飄飄然不自量力,最終將身敗名裂,淹沒在虛榮自負的淵藪之中。

I composed verses, feeble lines which perhaps showed my early love for words but certainly forecast no poetical future . 我寫詩,寥寥幾行,這也許表現出我早年喜歡舞文弄墨的習慣,但是,肯定沒有作詩的前途。