
fearful adj.1.嚇人的;可怕的。2.〔口語〕非常的,厲害的。...


True , said he , and fearful to reflect upon “不錯,而且一想起就令人害怕。

The lightning was followed by a fearful clap of thunder 閃電之后是一陣可怕的雷聲。

Getting fearful of delay , he pulled the reins strongly 他怕耽擱,于是用力拉住?繩。

. . and remember that we are not descended from fearful men , . 畏懼寫作、團結、說話

Samantha : do people have good reason to be fearful 薩蔓莎:人們的擔心有道理嗎?

The fearful passage of their death - mark ' d love 這可怕的死訊-同時也是愛的標志-

Would run at the fearful sight of his horse hooves 一看到他的馬蹄就會嚇得往回跑

Virtue is bold , and goodness never fearful 譯:美德是勇敢的,為善則無所畏懼。

The risk of endangering a child's strong affection by disturbing ideas which had grown with her growth was to mrs. henchard too fearful a thing to contemplate . 一個孩子本有許多煩擾的觀念,這是隨著歲月在增長的,而冒險用這來破壞她的堅強的愛情,真是亨察爾太太連想也不敢想的事。

The fearful price we had had to pay in human life and blood for the great offensives of the first world war was graven in my mind . 在第一次世界大戰期間,為了發動巨大的攻勢,我們不得不付出許多人的生命和鮮血,這種可怕的代價至今仍然銘記在我們的心中。

He raised up again into a sober and fearful gratitude by the many he had come so near to doing, yet avoided . 他又想到許多差點兒動手卻又懸崖勒馬的事,一種又驚又喜的感恩的心情不禁油然而升。

To find themselves utterly alone at night where company is desirable and expected makes some people fearful . 在熱切地盼望有個伙伴的黑夜中發現自己完全是孤身一人是會使人感到毛骨悚然的。

The next morning, when misery went to the “cave“, he was in a fearful rage, and he kicked up a terrible row with crass . 第二天早上,瘟神到“窯洞別墅”來,怒氣沖沖地對克拉斯大發脾氣。

He had caved in and gone down like a landslide when i pronounced that fearful name, and never come to since . 我一說出那個可怕的名字,他就塌架兒了,勢如山崩,始終也沒恢復過來。

It would be a fearful thing to fall into the hands of these hard, uncouth men without legal papers . 沒有合法的證件,萬一落入那些狼心狗肺的家伙手里,那將是件非常可怕的事情。

The moment had come when in the long, romantic history of japan the most fearful plunge was to be made . 在日本的悠久和離奇的歷史中行將作一次最可怕的冒險的時刻已經到來。

They spoke in hushed tones and glanced cautiously about them fearful of being heard or observed . 他們談話的聲音壓得很低,還留神張望,怕有人聽到或注意到他們。

Insecure and fearful of its own people, the oligarchy preserves itself through tyranny . 由于擔心和害怕自己的人民,統治集團只能靠實行暴政來維護其統治。

It is probable that the indian had some of the fearful glimpses of the unknown state . 也許這時,這個印第安人已看到了那些陌生的世界,不免感到心驚肉跳。