
fear n.1.恐怖,畏懼。2.憂慮,擔心,顧慮,不安。3.(對...


I won't allow myself to be stamped by fear .. 我不會容許我自己被恐懼嚇跑的。

He had come to fear them, to bear with them . 這一切他已害怕了,逆來順受了。

Stener was beside himself with fear . 斯坦納害怕得手足無措。

He feared the revival of german nationalism . 他擔心德國國家主義會死灰復燃。

This strength itself revived his fears . 這份力量本身又使他重新產生了恐懼。

She was often seized by a panic fear . 她常為一種莫明其妙的恐懼情緒所支配。

Some have feared it as a messenger of evil . 有些人害怕它是個不吉利的兆頭。

Bloggs saw fear come to the man's eyes . 布洛格發現他眼里閃過一道恐懼的光。

The sickening fear came to her . 一陣揪心的恐懼占據了她的心。

You feared that i should be beforehand with you . 你是害怕我會捷足先登的。

I fear the indians of cleveland . 我害怕克利夫蘭的印地安人隊。

Fear of humiliation is a powerful motivator . 帕受羞辱是一種強大的推動力。

I feared the young man would lose his situation . 我怕這個年輕人丟了飯碗。

For some time he feared legal penalties . 有一段時間他擔心受到法律的制裁。

I am haunted with a horrible fear . 我受到一種恐怖感覺的襲擊。

Hate is an automatic response to fear . 仇恨是恐懼的自然反應。

Cried jabez stone, in an ague of fear . 杰貝茲斯通嚇得直哆嗦叫出聲來了。

All fear was merged in curiosity . 在好奇心驅使下忘了一切恐怖。

This is the very painting of your fear . 這就是你的恐懼的肖像。