
fawn n.1.小鹿;小山羊,小動物。2.鹿毛色,淡黃褐色。短語...

fawn lily

But that did not stop him getting to the top ( or being fawned over by attractive women ) 但是,這兩個缺點并未阻礙他成為企業領袖(也未阻礙漂亮女士對他的逢迎) 。

' do you know when the mountain goats give birth ? do you watch when the doe bears her fawn 1 [和合] “山巖間的野山1羊幾時生產,你知道嗎?母2鹿下犢之期你能察定嗎

This red and white champion female is in a lighter shade of red that is often referred to as fawn 這是紅白兩色的母犬冠軍,輕度的紅色的陰影被稱為淺黃褐色。

But when you feign complete indifference , it will fawn upon you , lean close to you and live with you 你擺出滿不在乎的樣子,她卻來討好你、靠近你、依附你。

Because women fawn over them , they reason that any woman would be happy to have them 因為是女人去討好他們,所以他們就推想任何女人擁有了他們都會感到快樂。

In the political stage , the splititists fawned on japan just because of the special history 在政治舞臺上,分裂主義者親日、媚日與這段特殊歷史密切相關。

“ do you know when the mountain goats give birth ? do you watch when the doe bears her fawn 1山巖間的野山羊幾時生產,你知道么。母鹿下犢之期,你能察定么。

The balance consists of other grasses and occasional small rodents or musk deer fawns 也吃其他的草類和偶爾吃小嚙齒類動物或小麝鹿仔以組成食物平衡。

“ your two breasts are like two fawns , twins of a gazelle which feed among the lilies 歌4 : 5你的兩乳、好像百合花中吃草的一對小鹿、就是母鹿雙生的。

Maintenance men there quickly produced rags to make a bed behind the boiler for the fawn 那里的工作人員立即拿出碎布,在鍋爐后面給小鹿鋪了張床。

Your two breasts are like two fawns , twins of a gazelle , that feed among the lilies 5你的兩乳好像百合花中吃草的一對小羚羊,就是母羚羊雙生的。

Just as he was about to go pick up his game , he saw the fawn ' s mother running to her child 正當他要走過去拾起小鹿時,他看到母鹿奔向它的孩子。

Then , what submission , what cringing and fawning , what servility , what abject humiliation 好一個低眉垂首阿諛逢迎脅肩諂笑卑躬屈膝的場面!

Since they speak straightforwardly and selflessly and never appear to grovel or fawn 因為他們說話正直無私,容色也不阿諛諂媚。

Even the doe in the field deserts her newborn fawn because there is no grass 5 [和合]田野的母鹿,生下小鹿,就撇棄,因為無草。

He often fawns on her 他時常討好她

He often fawns on her 他時常討好她。

The subiective origin of culture ' s fawning on vulgarity and a rational thinking of it 文化媚俗現象的主體根源及其理性思考

He fawning manner whenever the boss is around just makes me curl up 每當老板在時,他那搖尾乞憐的樣子真使我惡心。