
favor n.1.厚愛,恩惠,照顧,親切;〔pl.〕 (女人對男人...


Nixon from the first was in favor of a more active policy . 尼克松從一開始就贊成采取比較積極的方針。

Thus actual power had shifted still more in bormann's favor . 這樣一來,就更有利于博爾曼操縱實權了。

Speaking of color , we chinese are traditionally in favor of “ red “ . 談到色,中國人歷來喜歡紅色。

Will you do me a favor ? 能幫個忙嗎?

He was not made unduly curious because of this sudden favor . 這次突然得寵,他并不感到特別奇怪。

What is now in favor ? 現在流行的是什么?

Everyone at the rally wore red ribbons as favors . 參加集會的人都系著紅絲帶作為支持大會的標記。

It does not favor ecl due to their high power needs . 它不適合于ECL電路,因為電路所需功率較高。

Her past achievements weighed in her favor as a candidate . 她以往的成就對她這個候選人很有利。

Do me the favor to put on this shirt , and this suit . 請您賞臉把這件襯衫穿上,還有這套衣服。

He occasionally singled me out for a display of favor . 他有時把我抬出來夸獎一番以示恩寵。

I should be grateful if you would favor me with an early reply . 若蒙早日答復則不勝感謝。

He could swing things round again in his favor . 他能把事情逆轉過來,使之重新對自己有利。

The market favors the buyers . 行市對買方有利。

My country favors a world of free and equal states . 我的國家希望全球國家都是自由平等的。

The boy favors his father . 這男孩長得像他父親。

I beg a favor of you . 我有一件事拜托您(求您)。

He was very proud to be in the old man's favor . 他因為受寵于這個老頭兒,覺得非常自傲。

I do not belong to the school of thought that favors radical change . 我不屬于激進派。