
faultfinder 1.吹毛求疵者,喜歡挑剔的人。2.【機械工程】故障探測器...


These men are grumblers and faultfinders ; they follow their own evil desires ; they boast about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage 這些人是私下議論,常發42怨言的,隨從自己的情43欲而行,口中說44夸大的話,為得便宜45諂媚人。 ”

Among the villains : the faultfinder , the one - upper , the abusive friend , the double - crosser , and the person who engages in petty or criminal behavior 反派角色當中有:吹毛求疵者,好占便宜的,說壞話的,出賣朋友的,從事犯過或犯罪行為的人。

The faultfinder will find faults even in paradise 吹毛求疵的人就是到了天堂也會挑出錯誤。