
fatalistic adj.宿命的,宿命論的。 fatalistic att...


Her naturally bright intelligence had begun to admit the fatalistic convictions common to field - folk and those who associate more extensively with natural phenomena than with their fellow - creatures ; and she accordingly drifted into that passive responsiveness to all things her lover suggested , characteristic of the frame of mind 她天生頭腦敏銳,現在也開始接受宿命論的觀點了,變得同種地的人一樣了,同那些與自然現象聯系多而與人類聯系少的人一樣了。她的情人說什么,她就被動地回答什么,這就是苔絲現在心情的特點。

The results suggested : a ) normal group and problem group differ greatly in three dimensions ( i . e . , individual life values , social life values , and authority values ) and ten factors . compared with the normal group , the problem group are characterized as passive , not good at human intercourse , fatalistic , superstitious , less independent , less keen on pursuing knowledge , less likely to be honest and keep promises , indifferent to others , less willing to conform to tradition , and self - centered 結果發現: 1 )正常人群和問題人群在價值觀的個人生活價值取向、社會生活價值取向和權威意志取向3個維度(二階因子)和10個一階因子上存在顯著性差異,與正常人群比較,問題人群的價值觀具有以下一些特點:個人生活觀念消極被動,社會生活觀念不利于人際交往,宿命,相信超自然力量,獨立進取性差、求知欲望低、誠實守信差、社會同情缺乏、反傳統、自私。

An extensive 2006 gallop poll in which a mere 30 per cent of japanese avowed a religion seems to confirm the widely - accepted understanding of an agnostic and even fatalistic japan 在蓋洛普2006年的一項廣泛的民意調查中,只有30 %的日本人自認為擁有宗教信仰,這項民意調查似乎核實了一項已被廣泛接受的認識,即日本是不可知論的,甚至是宿命論的。

His novella , as charming as he himself , implicated the fatalistic ending of both the writer and his characters , as well as his idealistic idea with aesthetic nature about the world 他的作品正如他本人那樣充滿魅力,顯示出了他理想主義者的唯美主義精神,但是也預示出他們宿命主義的結局。

Is well qualified to develop this new industry and win a share of the asian market . moreover , this would bring an end to the fatalistic mode of thinking about education in 由于香港的大專院校教學語言是英語,它完全有條件來發展這項新產業,在亞洲市場上分一杯羹。

Our sports , in this rather happy , no fatalistic view of human nature , are more splendid creations of the nondatable , transspecies play impulse 我們很快樂的一些運動,并非源于宿命觀點認為的人體本能,而更多是在無數的、種類敏繁多的游戲沖動后的精彩創造。

With knock - out performances and a breakneck pace , this is a romantic thriller with a strongly fatalistic streak that will push you to the brink of your emotions 感覺長久停滯,必須慘烈破冰,要保愛情,就要肯打仗-不舍不棄的信念叫人動容。

As tess s own people down in those retreats are never tired of saying among each other in their fatalistic way : it was to be 在那些窮鄉僻壤的地方,苔絲自己家里的人總是用宿命論的口氣互相不厭其煩地說: “這是命中注定的。 ”

However , the instability and weaknesses of the figure sometimes order a fatalistic ending to even this ambition 盡管她們如此渴盼婚姻,但是性格上的不穩定性和軟弱性,常常使她們擺脫不了不歡而散的宿命般的結局。

Even though they bring us suffering , we accept them with almost fatalistic resignation , for we are so used to giving in to them 雖然它常帶來痛苦,我們還是認命地接受,因為我們太習慣于向它投降了。

Karma is not fatalistic or predetermined . karma means our ability to create and to change 業并不是宿命和命定,而是指我們有創造和改變的能力。

I think you have to be fatalistic when evaluating these things 我想當你對這些事情進行評估時必須宿命一點。

Fatalistic writing - creation trilogy of shi tie - sheng ' s short novel 史鐵生中短篇小說創作三步曲

He seemed both rueful and fatalistic about his prospective eminence . 他對自己將擔任的要職,似乎抱著一種既郁郁不樂,又聽天由命的情緒。