fastidious adj.1.愛挑剔的,難討好的,過分講究的。2.(微生物...
adj. 1.愛挑剔的,難討好的,過分講究的。 2.(微生物等)需要復雜營養的。 短語和例子be fastidious about one's food 挑食。 adv. -ly ,-ness n. “fastidious - coarse“ 中文翻譯: 挑剔的“fastidious bacteria“ 中文翻譯: 難養菌“fastidious clerk“ 中文翻譯: 吹毛求疵的辦事員“fastidious microorganism“ 中文翻譯: 苛求菌“fastidious organism“ 中文翻譯: 難養生物“fastidious organisms“ 中文翻譯: 在合成培養基上不易生長的生物“fastidious faecal adenovirus“ 中文翻譯: 難培養糞腺簿“fastidious gram-negative rods“ 中文翻譯: 革蘭陰性苛養菌“fastian“ 中文翻譯: 棉布燈芯絨“fasti“ 中文翻譯: n. 〔pl.〕 〔拉丁語〕 (古羅馬的)行事日歷,歲時紀,年代紀。 “fasthelp“ 中文翻譯: 快速幫助“fasth“ 中文翻譯: 法斯特; 費斯特“fastgrowingspecies“ 中文翻譯: 速生種
“ i would not be so fastidious as you are , “ cried bingley , “ for a kingdom ! upon my honour i never met with so many pleasant girls in my life , as i have this evening ; and there are several of them , you see , uncommonly pretty . “我可不愿意象你那樣挑肥揀瘦, ”彬格萊嚷道, “隨便怎么我也不愿意不瞞你說,我生平沒有見過今天晚上這么許多可愛的姑娘你瞧,其中幾位真是美貌絕倫。 ” |
“ yes , “ said chateau - renaud , “ these italians are well named and badly dressed . “ you are fastidious , chateau - renaud , “ replied debray ; “ those clothes are well cut and quite new . “是的, ”夏多勒諾說, ”德布雷答道, “這套衣服剪裁得很合體,而且也很新。 ” |
“ we really do n ' t have to be quite as fastidious unless the child has an immune deficiency , “ she said 她說: “除非寶寶存在免疫缺陷,否則我們真的沒有必要過于認真。 ” |
fastigiate |
208 pathogens , including 183 species of fungi , 1 bacteria , 2 fastidious prokaryotes , 1 virus , 3 nematodes and 18 mites , on the 148 bamboo species ( classification unite ) , 10 genera , 1 subfamily were collected from the relevant references in the period from 1975 to 2006 摘要從1975至2006年的有關科技資料中,匯總到中國1竹亞科10屬148竹種(分類單位)上的病原物208種,其中真菌183種、細菌1種、難培養原核生物2種、病毒1種、線蟲3種、螨類18種。 |
“ i would not be so fastidious as you are , “ cried bingley , “ for a kingdom ! upon my honour i never met with so many pleasant girls in my life , as i have this evening ; and there are several of them , you see , uncommonly pretty . “我可不愿意象你那樣挑肥揀瘦, ”彬格萊嚷道, “隨便怎么我也不愿意不瞞你說,我生平沒有見過今天晚上這么許多可愛的姑娘你瞧,其中幾位真是美貌絕倫。 ” |
Soya peptone is an enzyme digest of soya , this product contains carbohydrate , widely used in culture media and often used for the cultvation of many fastidious organisms and where rapid , luxuriant growth is required 性狀:本品系由大豆為原料,經酶消化而成,富含碳水化合物,廣泛應用于微生物培養基的配制并常用于營養要求高的微生物培養及滿足微生物快速大量生長的需要。 |
As regarded her attainments , the only fault to be found with them was the same that a fastidious connoisseur might have found with her beauty , that they were somewhat too erudite and masculine for so young a person 論到她的學識,唯一可能找到的缺點,和一個苛求的鑒賞家在她的美貌上所能找到的一樣,就是那些學識象是屬于男性的。 |
Her face , a marvel , was the object of her most fastidious attentions . it was quite small and , as musset might have said , her mother had surely made it so to ensure it was fashioned with care 她的頭樣很美,是一件絕妙的珍品,它長得小巧玲瓏,就像繆塞所說的那樣,她母親好像是有意讓它生得這么小巧,以便把它精心雕琢一番。 |
Wilford , a young man from a rich family , is very fastidious , his girlfriend fian can not stand him and proposes to break up . very sad and frustrated , 富家公子wilford自小患有嚴重的潔癖,連相戀多年的女友fian也忍受不了提出分手,傷心失意下wilford被損友初次帶進廟街,更認識爽直的廟街公主阿sue ,在sue輔導下, |
Movement in local cinema in the 1960s and 70s of the last century . they both cast a long shadow . the masterpieces of king hu are acknowledged to be polished and fastidious 張徹和胡金銓,被公認為在二十世紀六七十年代間掀起香港電影新武俠世紀的兩大旗手,他倆的影響都很大很深。 |
“ yes , “ said chateau - renaud , “ these italians are well named and badly dressed . “ you are fastidious , chateau - renaud , “ replied debray ; “ those clothes are well cut and quite new . “是的, ”夏多勒諾說, ”德布雷答道, “這套衣服剪裁得很合體,而且也很新。 ” |
It was because of this reticence that he never alarmed her . herself fastidious and timid , she never awakened to the perilous trend of their intercourse 盡管她天性挑剔,膽怯,卻不曾意識到兩人的交往會有什么危險于是便微妙地不自覺地向他靠攏,越靠越近。 |
Usually , it is not necessary to be fastidious about color difference , live gnarls and texture , which constitute the natural attributes of wood 對木地板而言,售前主要包括咨詢測量售中主要包括送貨預約時間鋪裝與驗收售后主要包括保養與問題處理。 |
Medical microbiology - susceptibility testing of microbial pathogens to antimicrobial agents - part 81 : microdilution ; special requirements for testing of non - fastidious bacteria 醫療微生物學.微生物病源細菌對殺菌劑敏感性的檢測 |
Medical microbiology - susceptibility testing of microbial pathogens to antimicrobial agents - part 82 : microdilution ; special requirements for testing of fastidious bacteria 醫療微生物學.微生物病源細菌對殺菌劑敏感性的檢測 |
It was evident , from her figure and the perfumes she had about her , that she was young and fastidious in her tastes , but that was all 那張面紗完全遮住了她的臉,但從她的身材和她身上的香氣判斷,她顯然是一個年輕而高雅的女人。 |
“ his way with the english language had earned him a reputation as a thoughtful and fastidious politician … . . 某譯本將此句翻譯成:由于他走的是英國語言這條路,使得他贏得一個深思熟慮而且難以取悅的政治家的名聲。 |
The crawfish with caviar . this simple yet unadulterated dish best exemplifies the chef ' s fastidious attention to the inherent flavors of the ingredients 炸小鰲蝦佐魚子醬.這道簡單而絕對的菜最能表現主廚追求食材味道的潔癖 |
They become fastidious and earn more respect for the right of knowing the fact of a case , the right of choosing , and the right of participating 他們變得很挑剔,他們對信息的獲知權、選擇權和參與權,受到了更多的尊重。 |