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fast buck 〔美俚〕輕易得來的錢,來路不明的錢。

fast counter

Because the investors of the fund lay a great emphasis on its medium - term and long - term investment yields , they will not be puzzled by rumors or strive to make fast buck , which favors the stability of the stock market 基金對證券市場的穩定作用,主要是指基金一般是長期投資者,它們更看重中長期的投資收益,而不會為謠言所惑,博取一時之暴利,這在客觀上有利于股市的穩定。

Long before he began trying to sell his philosophy to professional basketball players , nets coach lawrence frank used his creativity and persuasive power to make a fast buck 早在他將自己的籃球理論推銷給職業球員之前,籃網主教練勞倫斯?弗蘭克就開始用他的創造力和說服力賺點小錢了。

Mark is always looking for ways to make a fast buck . his laziness and greed will soon make trouble for him 馬克總是在找可以大撈一筆的方法。他的懶惰成性和貪婪一定會讓他惹上麻煩的。

This permitted him to make a fast buck . my friend makes it some quick easy money dishonestly 這讓他賺了一大筆。我的朋友靠著不正當的手段賺了一筆又快又輕松的黑錢。

The protesters criticized the company for only trying to make a fast buck and not caring about the environment 抗議群眾批評該公司只顧著輕松賺錢,卻不關心環境。

This permitted him to make a fast buck . my friend made some quick easy money dishonestly 這讓他很快賺取錢。我的朋友用不誠實的方法輕松快速地賺錢。

Instead of always trying to make a fast buck , you should make long - term business plans 不要老是想謀取近利,你應該要作長期的事業規劃。

You two are just some fly - by - night operation looking to make a fast buck 你們兩個不過是想臨時找個掙錢的活而已。

Knowing how to buy and sell stocks is a good way to make a fast buck 懂得如何買賣股票是輕松獲利的好方法。

She made a fast buck by selling jewelry in the night market 她在夜市里販賣珠寶,輕松賺了一筆錢。

He ' s trying to hustle me for a fast buck 他想在我身上敲竹杠。