
far-reaching adj.深遠的,效果[影響]大的;廣泛的(far-rea...


The beautiful and soothing calm of eventide has been extolled by a thousand poets, and yet it does not bring with it the far-reaching and sublime thoughts of the half-hour that precedes the rising of a summer's sun . 黃昏的美麗和恬靜曾有無數的詞人歌頌,可是黃昏卻不象夏季日出半小時前能給人的悠遠瑰麗的思索。

That september there was another loss whose consequences to england, and perhaps even to milton himself, were more far-reaching and catastrophic . 同年九月發生的另一個損失,其后果對于英國,也許甚至對于彌爾頓本人,都更加深遠,更加具有災難性。

The phone of the future will be more mobile, do a lot of different tasks and be part of a complex, far-reaching information network . 將來的電話將更加機動,能完成多種任務,而且將成為用途廣泛的復合通訊網的一部分。

Mussolini's bluff succeeded, and an important spectator drew far-reaching conclusions from the fact . 墨索里尼虛張聲勢的恐嚇居然獲得成功,從這個事實中,一個極其重要的旁觀者得出了極其重要的結論。

This far-reaching assumption about the invariance of physical laws is a foundation stone of the theory of relativity . 關于物理定律不變性的這一影響深遠的假設,是相對論的一個基石。

He compared the insignificant white-washed strip with the far-reaching continent of unwhitewashed fence . 他把刷過的那渺小的一條和還沒有刷過的那一望無邊的圍墻對比了一下。

If this observation is accurate , as i believe it is , the implications are far-reaching . 如果這個見解正如我所自信的那樣是正確的話,其意義是深遠的。

The applications will show that the rather dry considerations have far-reaching consequences . 各種應用將表明,這些相當枯燥的考慮具有深遠的后果。

Yet the framers of the measure never intended to implement such far-reaching policy . 可是,該法的制訂者從未打算補充這類影響深遠的政策。

Her simplest acts seemed to be the result of far-reaching intentions . 她連最普通的一顰一笑都似乎經過熟思遠慮。

Hitler intoxicated himself with thoughts of far-reaching operations . 希特勒為這種單刀直入的軍事行動所陶醉。

Such an earthshaking change must have far-reaching effects . 像這樣翻天覆地的變化一定會產生深遠的影響。

You have already implemented far-reaching reforms . 你們已進行了具有深遠意義的改革。

When one is very poor , his ambition is not far-reaching . 窮途短計。