
far-off adj.遠方的,遠隔的;遙遠的。


There are long brown mountains and a few pines and far-off forests of beech-trees on some of the mountainsides . 這里有綿延的褐色群山,山上長著一些松樹,遠方的幾處山坡上,有幾片山毛櫸林。

Perhaps on some quiet night came the tremor of far-off drums, sinking, swelling, a tremor vast, faint . 也許就在那萬籟俱寂的夜晚,從遠處傳來了顫抖的鼓聲,高一陣,低一陣,強一陣,弱一陣。

Exoticism in music, painting, and literature evokes the picturesque atmosphere and color of far-off lands . 在音樂、繪畫和文學中的異國情調顯現出遙遠國度里別致的氣氛與色彩。

Exoticism in music, painting, and literature evokes the picturesque atmosphere and color of far-off lands . 音樂、繪畫和文學中的異國情調顯現出遙遠國度里別致的氣氛與色彩。