
fao FAO, F.A.O.= Food and Agricu...

“ a compendium of facts and figures from the world of rice . -為大多數稻米生產者提供聯合國糧農組織fao最近的相關資料


Since 2003 , the fao programme on assistance to school milk promotion is partially supported through funds from the private sector 自2003年以來,糧農組織學校供奶援助項目的部分資金來自私營部門。

Complete instructions about ordering fao publications , including an on - line order form , appear under each individual title 每個標題下有如何訂購糧農組織出版物的全面指令,包括在線訂購表格。

Provides instant access to more than 3 000 pictures of people , places and projects related to fao s work 糧農組織在線媒體庫提供及時查閱3000多幅關于糧農組織工作的人員、場所和項目照片。

Ensure a multidisciplinary approach to projects and programmes implemented in the region with fao s technical assistance 確保在糧農組織技術援助下在該地區以多學科方式執行項目和計劃。

The oie in august appealed for more money to support surveillance programs it is setting up with the fao and the who Oie今年8月也爭取更多經費,以補助他們和fao及who合作的監控計畫。

The briefs and technical notes are based on an ongoing series of informal expert consultations convened by fao 這些概要和背景資料是以糧農組織召開的一系列非正式專家磋商會為基礎。

The famed toy store fao schwarz stayed open for last - minute buyers or those looking for a gift upgrade 著名的fao斯瓦茲玩具商店為最后一批顧客或者是為高級禮物而來的人敞開著大門。

In hong kong , the automated people mover operating in the hong kong international airport also adopts fao 此外,在香港國際機場行駛的旅客捷運系統,亦采用了列車全自動操作系統。

Through the knowledge forum , fao uses knowledge exchange and dialogue to help build a world without hunger 通過知識論壇交流知識和對話,糧農組織幫助建立一個沒有饑餓的世界。

The fao ' s call came as countries around the world continued to take unilateral measures to protect local food markets 目前,全球各國仍在繼續采取單邊措施,保護當地食品市場。

The sub - regional offices are primarily responsible for the overall planning of fao activities in the sub - region 各分區域辦事處主要負責全面規劃糧農組織在該分區域的活動。

If you are interested in business opportunities with fao , please go to the fao procurement web site 如果你希望與糧農組織開展商務,請訪問糧農組織采購網址。

Under further information please add international rice research institute and fao international year of rice website - 更多信息請到國際稻米研究學會以及

The whole process was facilitated by dr . shi shangbai who was fao ffs expert and now training coordinator for 這種農民田間學校今后還將在“小農”項目和

28 october 2005 - fao director - general jacques diouf comments on how to stop bird flu 2005年10月28日,羅馬糧農組織總干事雅克?迪烏夫談如何制止禽流感

Sources : food and agriculture organization of the united nations ( fao ) ; millennium indicators database 資料來源:聯合國糧食及農業組織;千年指標數據庫。

In terms of world trade in fruits , banana is in first place equal to citrus ( fao , 1990 ) 就世界水果貿易而言,香蕉和柑桔類水果并列第一( fao , 1990 ) 。

Representing fao before host governments and all partners involved in fao activities 代表糧農組織與東道國政府和參加糧農組織活動的所有伙伴進行聯絡。