
eyesore 刺眼的東西。


There were so many changes here - - great new apartment houses with lawns and trees around them ; hideous old eyesores removed 這里的變遷非常大- -許多新建的公寓大樓,周圍有草地和樹木,丑陋的舊建筑拆了。

The tunnel structure itself would be an eyesore , especially with debris being deposited on the roof , creating an unsightly waterfront 隧道結構本身頗為礙眼,尤其是垃圾會堆積在隧道頂部,有礙觀瞻。

I then attacked the gigantic weeds , eyesores that were very tall and strong 于是我先向那些居高臨下最引人注目的粗壯雜草下手。

That sculpture is an eyesore 那座雕塑不好看。

Our youth committee is going to clean up that eyesore 我們的年輕委員要把那些看不順眼的(丑惡)東西一掃而光。

He always sees me a eyesore 他總把我當作眼中釘。

He always regards me as eyesore 他總把我當作眼中釘。

But you can ' t take long on an eyesore “但你不能容忍”

He always treats me as an eyesore 他總把我當作眼中釘。

? ? but you can ' t take long on an eyesore “但你不能容忍”

That new shopping centre is a real eyesore 那個新的購物中心真是難看極了。

There were so many changes here--great new apartment houses with lawns and trees around them; hideous old eyesores removed . 這里的變遷非常大--許多新建的公寓大樓,周圍有草地和樹木,丑陋的舊建筑拆了。

That old block of flats is a real eyesore ! 那座舊公寓真不順眼。