
eyedrops 眼藥水,洗眼水。


Method : put these things into - boiling water for 15 - 20 minutes to ensure complete eradication of the infective agents . - used tissue paper should be properly disposed of into litterbin or flushed down the toilet . - keep the hands clean , not to rub the eyes with fingers , and not to share eyedrops or cosmetics with others 應將患者使用過的毛巾洗面用具及接觸過患者眼部分泌物的物件消毒,方法是把這些用品放入自己的銻盆內,加入清水把用品蓋過,然后放在爐上煲至水滾,持續15 - 20分鐘,這樣才可把細菌消滅,以免蔓延。

Heamagglutination tests were applied to detect virus in allantoic fluid of chicken embryos which were infected by b95 gathered from the vaccinated chickens “ cloacal and oral cavity . the results show that the virus may be detected from 2 days to 11 days after the chicken being vaccinated . the hi antibodies were measured by heamagglutination inhibition tests . there is no significant difference between the immunized and the control chickens which were fed in one case . chickens were immunized with b95 by different immunization meathods or with different vaccines by the same meathod . lt is demonstrated that eyedrop , drinking water , spray or muscle injection all can stimulate good effects , but eyedrop and spray seem to be the best meathods . b95 immunized chicken have relatively higher hi titers and it also can last for a longer time than others 但如果兩者相隔10天以上免疫, b95免疫不受h120的影響;如果同時免疫b95和h120 ,加大b95的免疫劑量也能獲得良好的免疫效果。用棉拭子采b95免疫雞口腔、泄殖腔的分泌液,檢測其中病毒的存在,結果免疫后2 11天雞口腔和泄殖腔中均有病毒的存在,說明b95免疫雞帶毒時間長。研究結果表明, b95具有不受母源抗體干擾、 hi抗體產生快、水平高、持續時間長、同居擴散性強等特點,因此b95是一株優良的、具開發前景的新的新城疫疫苗株。

Lysozyme chloride powder has a wide area of application , such as food preserving ( cheese , low degree wine ) , pharmaceutical industry ( tablets , capsules , eyedrops , throat lozenges ) , daily chemicals ( tooth paste , cosmetics ) , baby food ( milk powder ) and scientific research 蛋清溶菌酶在食品保鮮(特別是奶酪,清酒生產) ,醫藥(藥片,膠囊,眼藥水,潤喉液) ,日化(牙膏,化妝品) ,嬰兒食品(母乳化奶粉)及科學研究中有著廣泛的應用。

The infective agent is present in the tears and discharge , which may then contaminate the sufferers belongings like handkerchief , basin , towel , eyedrops or toys . other people may get the disease if heshe comes into contact with these objects 患者的眼部分泌物,可以透過患者的手或用過的物品,例如手帕、毛巾、面盆、眼藥、各種用具或玩具等,把疾病傳播至別人的眼睛。

Lasik is performed as an outpatient procedure . no injections are needed . patients remain awake and the procedure is carried out using anaesthetic eyedrops . the entire lasik procedure takes about 10 - 15 minutes 準分子激光手術就如一項為門診病人診斷的過程。無需注射任何藥物。即使在手術過程中使用麻醉眼滴,病人仍然保持清醒。整個準分子激光手術過程只需費時10至15分鐘。

The infective agent is present in the tears and discharge , which may then contaminate the sufferers belongings like handkerchief , basin , towel , eyedrops or toys . other people may get the disease if he she comes into contact with these objects 患者的眼部分泌物,可以透過患者的手或用過的物品,例如手帕毛巾面盆眼藥各種用具或玩具等,把疾病傳播至別人的眼睛。

Treating commonly used method is hot towel spread is used when inflammation at the beginning , a day of many apply a few , besmear with aureomycin eye ointment or eyedrops creams again , can make bump subsidise so or shift to an earlier date come to a head 治療常用方法是一開始發炎時用熱毛巾敷,一天多敷幾次,再涂以金霉素眼藥膏,這樣可促使腫塊消退或提前出膿。

Conclusion houttuynia eyedrop in the treatment of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis demonstrates excellent efficacy , rapid symptomatic relief , and with no adverse reaction , which is worth to be widely used in primary care hospitals 結論采用魚腥草滴眼液治療流行性角膜結膜炎的療效確切,起效快,并無不良反應發生,值得在基層醫院廣泛推廣使用。

The person ' s eye , nose , oral cavity is connected each other , be like : drop eyedrop can enter the mouth in , what guttural secretion goes out from nose is drivel , going out from the mouth is phlegmy 人的眼睛,鼻子,口腔是互相通的,如:滴眼藥水能進入嘴里,咽喉的分泌物從鼻子出去的是鼻涕,從嘴出是痰。

Some containers , e . g . plastic containers for eyedrops may not need an initial rinse , indeed this may be counter - productive since particulates counts could be increased as a result 一些容器,如滴眼液的塑料包裝可能不需要最初清洗,因為可能由于粒子數增加導致無效。

Clinical assessment of pranoprofen eyedrops on postoperative inflammation of cataract extraction and non - infection inflammation of the anterior segments of the eye 普拉洛芬滴眼液治療白內障術后炎癥和非感染性眼前段炎癥的臨床評價

Objective houttuynia eyedrops in the treatment of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis was inspected on its effectiveness and safety 摘要目的比較魚腥草滴眼液和氧氟沙星滴眼液治療流行性角膜結膜炎的效果和安全性。

After a period of medical treatment with oral prednisolone and artificial tear eyedrops , orbital decompression was scheduled 右眼也因此角膜潰瘍而必須轉診來之前接受眼瞼緣縫合術。

When rising , secretion is had in the eye , if having , estimation is infection , should use antibiotic eyedrop 起來時,眼睛里有沒有分泌物,有的話估計是感染了,要用抗生素眼藥水了。

Keep the hands clean , not to rub the eyes with fingers , and not to share eyedrops or cosmetics with others ?切勿用手擦眼睛?切勿用別人的眼藥或化妝品?每次用藥之前,一定要洗手

Experimental study on retinoic acid nanoparticle eyedrops for preventing posterior capsular opacification in rabbit eyes 維甲酸納米粒滴眼液抑制后發性白內障的實驗研究

The treatment group was given houttuynia eyedrops , and the control group received ofloxacin eye drops 治療組給予魚腥草滴眼液,對照組給予氧氟沙星滴眼液。

Clincal research of isatis root eyedrops on the acute bacterial conjunctivitis 板藍根滴眼液治療急性細菌性結膜炎臨床療效研究

Production line for eyedrops 滴眼劑聯動線