
eyedropper n.【醫學】滴管。


I really couldn t stand girls weeping , but i do enjoy seeing gillian weep . what is cool about her is that she is really a good “ weeper “ . she can weep at will , she doesn t even need any eyedropper to help 我覺得阿嬌是個哭得很美的女仔,我以前很怕女仔哭,但阿嬌的哭,我就很喜歡看,最厲害是她不用眼藥水,她要哭就可以馬上哭。

I really couldn t stand girls weeping , but i do enjoy seeing gillian weep . what is cool about her is that she is really a good “ weeper “ . she can weep at will , she doesn t even need any eyedropper to help 我覺得阿嬌是個哭得很美的女仔,我以前很怕女仔哭,但阿嬌的哭,我就很喜歡看,最厲害是她不用眼藥水,她要哭就可以馬上哭。

Near her master in the bathroom she had found a little bottle , and gripped in old man fellows ' hand , so tightly that he had crushed it , was an eyedropper 她發現費羅斯的一只手里牢牢地握著一個已經破碎的玻璃瓶子,因為握得太緊而被捏碎的眼藥水瓶。

To keep foreign matters from getting into your eyes , don ' t allow the tip of the eyedropper to touch your eyelid 為了防止異物進入眼睛,請不要讓藥瓶的滴頭觸及眼皮。