
eyebrow n. 眉毛;【建筑】滴水;窗眉;【紡織;印染】飛花 (k...


He showed his disapproval by raising an eyebrow 他揚起眉頭表示不贊成。

He telegraphed his displeasure with his eyebrows 他以眉毛面露他的不悅。

He raised his eyebrows with an affectation of surprise 他揚起雙眉裝出一幅驚奇的樣子。

It was the timing that raised eyebrows 正是時間節點問題引起了一陣唏噓。

Go braid your eyebrows or somethin ' , dawgs 去找點眉毛或者狗什么的編起來

Don ' t raise your eyebrows . it makes you look smug 別揚起眉毛,那會顯得你很自鳴得意

I am a conservative , i don ' t want my eyebrow pierced 我是保守的,我并不想穿眉環。

I gotta go get a mani , pedi and my eyebrows waxed 我得去打扮打扮給我的眉毛上點蠟

I can ' t go to the movie - - i ' m up to my eyebrow 我不能去看電影,我很忙很忙。

“ yes ? ” his eyebrows rose like two hills “是嗎? ”他皺起的眉頭像兩座小山。

Some loud noise at night was not gonna raise an eyebrow 巨大的噪音也不會引起注意

I raised my eyebrows and said , “ what is talent ? 我揚起眼眉,說:甚么是天賦?

He looks like he took a staple gun to his eyebrows 他好像拿著釘書機朝眉毛猛釘

I can wrap up10 tricks without lifting an eyebrow 我可以毫不費力地囊括十墩牌。

Mrs. sparsit's corinthian nose underwent a slight expansion of the nostrils, and her black eyebrows contracted as she took a sip of tea . 斯巴塞太太抿了一口茶,她那科林斯型鼻子的孔略略地張開了一下,她的黑眉毛稍微皺了一皺。

Antonia's father was a spare man of medium height, with yellowish face, thin, grey moustache, ironical eyebrows . 安東妮亞的父親是一個不高不矮的清瘦人物,黃黃的面孔,稀疏花白的唇髭,帶著譏諷味兒的眉毛。

“what's brought you here?“ growled altamont, looking sternly from under his heavy eyebrows at the baronet . 阿爾塔芝鐵板著臉,從那對濃眉毛下瞪著男爵,粗聲粗氣地喝道:“你來干什么?”

His gray eyebrows and gray hair looked rather shaggy and disheveled, and his side-whiskers anything but decorative . 他的灰眉毛和灰頭發顯得有些蓬亂不整,嘴角的髭須也不美觀。

“now,“ says achumyelof sternly, moving his eyebrows up and down, “now, whose dog is this? “ “是啊”,阿楚邁洛夫厲聲厲色,眉毛豎了又豎地說:“是啊,這是誰家的狗?”