
eyeball n. 短語和例子眼球;瞳子 (eyeball to ey...


The quarrel couple stand in the sit room , eyeball to eyeball 夫妻倆站在起居室里吵架,你瞪著我,我瞪著你。

I am up to my eyeballs in work . i have no time to surf the net 我的工作堆積如山,沒有時間瀏覽網際網路!

Hey , delicious eyeball . woo , you ' re big crazy scary , run away 嘿,好好味的眼珠子哦,你又大又嚇人,快跑

Never turn your head where the swing of an eyeball is sufficient 轉眼珠就能看到的東西,絕不要轉頭去看

Zank , eyeball . - eyeball set 贊克,監視怎么樣? -監視就緒

. . . i ' m gonna spray this whole goddamn can right in your eyeballs 我就把他媽的一整罐直噴到你眼珠子上

You know i ' ll be eyeball to eyeball with mr . ruddy on this 你知道在這件事上我和盧迪先生一直相持不下

One of them halfway up to his eyeball 有顆牙都壞到眼珠了

They pick out the eyeballs first 他們首先挑選眼珠子吃的。

I ' m gonna spray this whole goddamn can right in your eyeballs 我就把他媽的一整罐直噴到你眼珠子上

B . if the foreign body is embedded in or attached to the eyeball 如異物嵌在眼球內或黏位眼球,則:

Then later i ' ll slash your eyeballs 那之后我會砍傷你的眼球

Ok . we can first move our eyeballs 好,我們從眼球先動起來。

Lapd eyeball is still roving for our rambler rebel 洛杉磯警方的眼線們還在漫無邊際地尋找嫌犯的車

The main purpose of advertisement is to attract people ' s eyeballs 廣告的主要目的是為了引人注目

Eyeball , has anything left this mortuary in the past two hours 監視組,之前兩小時內有東西離開嗎

The prime purpose of advertising is to attract people ' s eyeballs 廣告的主要目的是為了引人注目

Watch me rip his eyeballs out ; i need the taste of blood 瞧我撕出它的眼球;我需要血腥的味道。

Are those your eyeballs ? i found them in my cleavage 是你的眼球嗎?我發現它們夾在鑷子里面了。