
exude vt.1.使滲出;使流出。2.使發散。 短語和例子exu...


Whether in the morning or after a shower , the road exudes a special spiritual beauty , touching people with its grace and making them forget their worries . therefore , initiates have named miao 28 “ the road to heaven . 無論是清晨或雨后,苗28線都顯現出一份獨特的靈性之美,令人怡然忘憂,因此,有同修私下為它取名為通往天堂之路。

Lift - off from a floating launchpad sends a pickerel frog high over a dragonfly . pickerel frogs exude a poisonous chemical from their skins , protecting them from predators 瞧,這好像叫“梭子蛙” ,這么一蹦,高過了蓮葉上那只蜻蜓。梭子蛙能從皮膚散發出一種有毒的化學物質,這是為了保護自己避免成為捕食者的盤中餐。

Shirley richardson , owner of merrich estate olive farm in the sawn valley lives and breathes food , flavours and wines and she exudes a tremendous energy in all that she does 雪莉?理查森是天鵝河谷莫里希莊園橄欖園的主人,她生活在這里,享受著這里的食品、風味和葡萄酒,無論做什么事情,她都表現出驚人的精力。

Strictly speaking , “ poisonous “ means that the creature exudes poison from its skin or shell , from where it lands on your skin , and continues its nasty work 嚴格地說, “有毒的”意思就是,這個生物從其皮膚或者外殼向外排出有毒物質,而當它不知道從哪掉到你的皮膚上后,它仍然在你皮膚上繼續滲出毒液。

Marrying cutting - edge technology with a beautifully proportioned , muscular body that exudes power and style , it incorporates timeless rolls - royce design cues in an utterly contemporary manner 先進的科技加上完美的比例,具有沖擊力的車身流露出動感和優雅,它融合了勞斯萊斯的經典設計和流行元素。

Everything about the scene exuded boredom which stemmed , on the man s side , from an embarrassing awareness of his own dullness and , on the woman s , from the visit of this lugubrious personage 房間里的氣氛很沉悶,男的是因為自己一籌莫展而局促不安,女的是因為這個討厭的家伙的來訪而心情煩躁。

The moral main body exudes unceasingly along with the social economy and humanity ' s rational development , however the moral development with exudes has the limit 道德主體總是處于不斷擴展之中的,隨著社會經濟的和人類理性的發展而日益泛化,然而道德的拓展與泛化是有限度的。

Similar to mai fan rock , remote infra - red structure and active organic charcoal , the purion can soften and smooth water texture , enabling tea leaves to exude various compositions of flavor 對茶及茶湯質地的轉化:老巖泥系列同時具有類似麥飯石的結構及活性碳素。

The wow people are people who smile , who laugh and exude a generous personality . and that personality is driven by an inner spirit that comes from god almighty , jesus christ 人是歡笑的人,是散發慷慨氣質的人,那種氣質來自人里頭的靈,來自全能神,耶穌基督。

Kaohsiung and pingtung initiates were amateur models for a celestial clothes fashion show , exuding an air of confidence and joy that left friends and relatives greatly impressed 高屏同修客串模特兒展示個人擁有的天衣,自信與喜悅之神采,令親友們刮目相看。

I probably would ' ve left it to mould and opted for an orange or an apple instead had it not been for the overconfidence those flawless bananas exuded 我就讓它自己發霉去,改為選一個蘋果或者桔子來吃,也使得那些新鮮香蕉不那么過分自信。

Perhaps the most outstanding dish is the chicken broth with green papaya , stewed with magau pepper , which exudes a light scent of lemon and ginger 最特別的是以泰雅族特有的山地胡椒magau燉煮的生木瓜雞湯,帶有一股檸檬與嫩姜的清香。

And the fed ' s efforts to exude a cowboy confidence will be undermined by the suspicion that it is dealing with the consequences of its own errors 聯儲表現出牛仔信心的努力,也會因對其糾正自身錯誤后果引發的質疑而前空盡棄。

This tissue gram stain of an acute pneumonia demonstrates gram positive cocci that have been eaten by the numerous pmn ' s exuded into the alveolar space 圖示:革蘭氏染色顯示大量滲出到肺泡腔的嗜中性粒細胞吞噬了革蘭陽性菌。

If used effectively , it will be highly instrumental in building your corporate identity and should successfully exude the company ' s attitude 有效地運用標識語,可以幫助公司更好地樹立形象,也能把公司的做事態度呈現給公眾。

But i am one sincere , gentle , good do not exude humorous , mischievous and the romantic mood woman , belongs to the good wife and loving mother 我是一位真誠、溫柔、善良但不泛幽默、調皮和浪漫情懷的女人,屬于賢妻良母型。

Murals in sandalwood private resort retain the essence of italian traditional painting , and exude a rich classical atmosphere 檀宮的壁畫保留了意大利最傳統的繪畫手法與主題,將古典主義風格進行到底。

Investigators have found that the knapweed ' s roots exude a toxin that builds up in the soil 研究者發現,這種矢車菊根部分泌的一種毒素會滲進土壤里,使得其他植物的細胞大量死亡,并抑制萌芽與生長。

The mysterious , beautiful , charismatic shin minah sshi . from head to toe , does she not exude a certain mysterious charm 神秘美麗富有魅力的申敏兒小姐。 。她是不是從頭到尾都展現出神秘的吸引力。