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extrusion moulding 擠壓模塑法。

extrusion press

Suitable for recycle and restore of conventional sheets , tube plastics , profiles , packing plastics , extrusion mould products & runners . general operation adopted with airtight sealed bearing to allowed long hours rotation ; well designed of cutter blades , to ensures the balance of pellets sizes after crushed ; cutter base with special heat treatments , elegant in designed 通用型塑料粉碎機,采用密封軸承,使軸承轉動長時間保持良好;刀型設計合理,產品成粒均勻;刀座熱縮處理,外形設計美觀大方。

We not only have full series product equipments such as computerized automatic molding , stick machine , extrusion moulding , stick machine , extrusion moulding machine , cutting machine etc . but also we have many officers who we are young , responsible , enthusiastic and expert spirit 我們不但擁有開模機、貼合機、壓模成型機、裁料機、裁斷機等全系列生產設備而且擁有一批年輕的、責任心強的、積極上進的、專業精神的工作人員。

Strengthening toughening and cryogenic treatment of ld steel and its application in cold extrusion mould 高速鋼冷作模具深冷處理及應用

Invalidation analysis and measures of precaution in using 3cr2w8v hot extrusion mould 熱擠壓模使用中的失效分析與防止措施

Design of hot extrusion mould of roughcast of multi - joint thin - wall brazen valve body 多接頭薄壁銅閥體毛坯熱擠壓模設計

Calculatie retention time of plastic melt in extrusion moulding head 塑料熔體在擠出模頭中停留時間的計算