
extreme adj.1.極端的;過激的 (opp. moderate...

extreme sports

A segregation in india was, and often remains, extreme . 印度的種族隔離政策過去是,今天仍然是很厲害的。

He took his seat on a tall bar stool at the extreme left of the bar . 他在酒店左邊盡頭那高凳子上坐下。

This is the origin of the laser's extreme quasimonochromaticity . 這就是激光器的極好的單色性的本源。

The month of september must be regarded as critical in the extreme . 應當把9月看作是極其吃緊的關頭。

The two physicians alone could offer any hops when danger was extreme . 只有這兩位醫師能夠妙手回春。

In the extreme case the boxwork collapses, forming a breccia . 在特殊情況下,蜂窩坍塌,形成角礫石。

Rescues are invariably delayed until the moment of extreme peril . 不到千鈞一發之際救星絕不出現。

I don't know why it is i that have such extreme intensity . 我不明白自己為什么老是有強烈的沖動。

One must not go to extreme in applying the principle of self-reliance . 不要把自力更生絕對化。

The presence of some great good brought on extreme joy . 某種偉大仁慈的降臨帶來了極度的歡樂。

The most extreme opposites have some qualities in common . 極端相反的事物間是多少有些共性的。

Disease of animal and vegetable pests propagate with extreme rapidity . 動植物病害傳播極快。

Isabel listened with extreme respect to this admonition . 伊莎貝爾非常鄭重地聽取了這個期望。

Fats without a stabilizer should be used with extreme caution . 需謹慎使用未加穩定劑的脂肪。

With extreme care, you may even live longer . 如果萬分當心自己,你甚至于可以活得更長一些。

He carries modesty to extremes . 他謙虛得過分。

Abundant precipitation is more important than extreme cold . 豐富的降雪量比酷寒更為重要。

A transition zone lies between the above two extremes . 過渡區位于上述兩種極端情況之間。

The conference of the four men is amicable in the extreme . 這四個人談得再投機也沒有了。