
extraterritorial adj.治外法權的。adv.-ly


And many foreign multinational corporations are doing the same . in reality , the need for extraterritorial application is increasing . but the definition of extraterritorial application is not universal and varies from “ effect theory “ in usa to “ objective territorial jurisdiction “ in germany 如上所述,經濟管制法的涉外適用現象在經濟強國特別是在美國的表現較為突出,對這種經濟管制的適用的正當與否必然引起各國間的沖突,圍繞這些問題存在的國際間的緊張氣一直高漲。

On the background , the essay , taking the formation , development and perfection of extraterritorial application as a clue , makes a more systematic research on the definition and fundamental principles of extraterritorial application . meanwhile , using the methods of comparative , virtue , positive and historical research , the essay analyses the practices of foreign countries , the conflicts and difficulties in extraterritorial application and the solutions to them . the essay will also put forward some proposals to establish chinese institution of extraterritorial application later 在這一背景下,本文以反壟斷法域外適用制度的形成、發展為線索,運用比較分析、實證分析及歷史分析方法,對反壟斷法域外適用的一般理論,國外的實踐以及域外適用面臨的沖突、困難和克服路徑等進行了較為系統的研究,并對確立我國反壟斷法域外適用制度提出了設想。

Part 5 , the extraterritorial force of merger control regulation of ec in this part , three major principles is explained in detail through cases which is established by european commission and european court of justice in practice : the principle of economic entity ; the principle of consequence of territory ; the principle of performance of territory 該部分通過具體案例詳細介紹了歐盟企業合并控制制度域外適用的主要理論依據:經濟實體原則、后果地原則和履行地原則。從而指出這三大原則在解決歐盟企業合并控制規則的效力范圍上的重要指導作用。

In view of authoritative competition regulation which regulate enterprise ' s internationally restricting competition action have n ' t set up yet , most of countries adopt the extraterritorial application of anti - monopoly law to effectively prevent international monopoly , with a purpose protecting the domestic market to develop healthy and orderly 鑒于國際上尚未形成一套統一的規范企業的國際性限制競爭行為的權威性競爭規則,導致絕大多數國家通過其反壟斷法的域外適用來有效防治國際壟斷以保護本國市場的健康有序發展。

This paper aims at the follow goals : first , it gives a general introduction of the u . s . discovery system and its extraterritorial application , revealing the production , scope and limits of the extraterritorial effect of discovery , so that we can understand the extraterritorial application of discovery from the lay of system framework 本文的研究目的主要有:第一,概括介紹美國的證據開示制度及其域外適用的具體情況,揭示證據開示域外效力的產生、范圍及其受到的限制,進一步從制度架構的層面上理解美國證據開示程序的域外適用。

On the background of globalization of economy , the action of restricting competition is rising increasingly in the world , which severely obstruct liberalization of trade and investment while world trade liberalization pace speed up . in view of authoritative competition regulation which regulate enterprises ’ internationally restricting competition action have not set up yet , most countries adopt the extraterritorial application of anti - monopoly law to prevent international monopoly effectively , with a purpose to protect the domestic market to develop healthily and orderly . by exploring the fundamental problems in extraterritorial application of anti - monopoly law and theoretical and practical experience of all countries in the world , the thesis further discusses the mode of our country in the field 本文分四部分對反壟斷法的域外適用問題進行說明:文章首先從反壟斷法域外適用的基本問題入手,介紹反壟斷法域外適用問題的產生及其必然性,簡要描述國際法協會紐約年會上所確認的三種反壟斷法域外適用理論依據的涵義、內容及彼此之間的區別;其次對美國、歐盟在反壟斷法域外適用方面的實踐進行優缺評析,指出設置反壟斷法的域外適用條款已經成為世界反壟斷立法的普遍趨勢;然后論述反壟斷法域外適用過程中產生的沖突及對沖突進行協調的方法;最后對我國反壟斷法域外適用應采用的模式進行探討,說明我國設立反壟斷法域外適用制度的必然性和總體思路,明確我國反壟斷法域外適用制度應包括的內容以及保障域外適用制度順利實施所應建立的配套機構。

Legislative modifications should generally be technologically neutral , avoiding the situation where they are based on or assume a certain type of technology or level of technological development ; reflect the fact that illegal activity in cyberspace is likely to be undertaken across jurisdictions , such as by recognizing extraterritorial acts in furtherance of an offence and the need to cooperate across borders ; and respect individuals reasonable expectations of privacy 一般來說,修訂法例時,我們應( a )在技術層面上保持中立,避免奠基于或設定于某種科技或某個科技發展層面之上; ( b )反映網上非法活動往往跨越司法區域這個實況,加跨境合作,對付在治外區域發生的相關犯罪行為;以及( c )尊重個人在私隱方面的合理要求。

In view of authoritative competition regulation which regulate enterprise ' s internationally restricting competition action have n ' t set up yet , most of countries adopt the extraterritorial application of anti - monopoly law to effectively prevent international monopoly , with a purpose protecting the domestic market to develop healthily and orderly 鑒于國際上尚未形成一套統一的規范企業的國際性限制競爭行為的權威性競爭規則,導致絕大多數國家通過其反壟斷法的域外適用來有效防治國際壟斷以保護本國市場的健康有序發展。

We can consider some areas of resolution in the extraterritorial application of other countries ' competition laws firstly , there is our competition law ( the regulation of monopoly and fair trade law ) ' s extraterritorial application problem today , our corporations are doing business in domestic and international markets 但是,由于大量出現超越國界的跨國企業( muhinationalcorporation )經營活動及深化國際經濟秩序的相互依賴關系門nterdependence )等原因,加大了本國的經濟利益被侵犯的可能性。

There are many models to resolve international conflicts in extraterritorial application cases . but the crucial point is to reduce restrictive business acts in advance . how we face the extraterritorial applications of antitrust law in usa and competition law in eu , will determine how we best serve our own business interests and maintain our national sovereignty 另外,目前國際經濟問題領域可分為市場經濟發達國家之間的問題,市場經濟發達國家和發展中國家之間的問題,市場經濟國家和非市場經濟國家之間的問題,壟斷管制是以市場經濟為前提,因此對否認市場經濟的國家市場經濟還未成熟的發展中國家很難進行討論。

There are many possibilities of creating international conflict by invading territorial jurisdictions and sovereignty in the extraterritorial application case . these international conflicts may result from differences in each country ' s economic system . each state has tried to reach bilateral agreements to prevent conflicts of sovereignty 這是因為壟斷管制領域在擴大經濟管制的本國法律的適用范圍中使用最為廣泛,特別是涉及有關涉外適用與否的幾乎所有問題,而且經濟活動中主權的介入引起的國家間沖突具有典型特征的緣故。

Although many scholars have carried out overall and deep researches in u . s . discovery system , but it is still not enough to study about conflicts of extraterritorial discovery , which is the cross point of private international law and civil procedure law . the research about this is still a gap in china 盡管國內已有很多學者對美國的證據開示制度作了比較全面和深入的研究,但是對民事訴訟法和國際私法相結合的區域,即域外證據開示沖突的了解和探討還很不充分,目前這方面的研究在國內還是空白。

Third , it provides information about other nations “ measures against u . s . extraterritorial discovery , including diplomatic objections , blocking statutes and other measures . it also introduces the exception of the hague evidence convention about extraterritorial discovery . then it evaluates the effect of the system , and prospects for the reducing and avoidance of conflicts 第三,介紹各國對抗美國域外證據開示的措施,包括外交抗議、障礙立法和其他措施,以及《海牙取證公約》對域外證據開示的規制,對域外證據開示的效力作出評價,并對減少和避免沖突的前景進行了展望。

By analyzing the act of extraterritorial jurisdiction in the economic sphere , especially in the field of antitrust and multi - company , the text draws the conclusion that the exercise of the extraterritorial in the international economy is unilateral and imposing 國際公法中的管轄權范圍嚴格限定在“領土內” ,而在國際經濟法中卻已經超出了領土界限。在國際經濟關系中,國家域外管轄權的實踐愈趨增多,國家管轄權范圍擴大的趨勢也逐漸明顯。

With the introduction about other nations “ measures against extraterritorial discovery and the reservation clause of the hague evidence convention , and considering the actual situation of our country , the author put forward some proposals against u . s . extraterritorial discovery 本文圍繞域外證據開示沖突的產生和表現形式,在介紹其他國家的對抗措施和《海牙取證公約》的保留條款的同時,結合我國的實際情況,提出一些對策。

So we should use the experience of developed countries , set up our own proper enterprise merger monitoring system , benefit our country ' s enterprises from the extraterritorial effect of anti - monopoly law , and actively intensify the cooperation and competition among countries 對此,我國反壟斷法應借鑒發達國家經驗,建立起寬嚴適度的企業并購控制制度,利用反壟斷法的域外適用保護我國企業的利益,加強國際間的競爭與合作。

It is cooperate with the end of company independent personality . any system must meet specific requirements applicable , the author discusses the elements from the three areas , namely the main , act , and results . chapter ii , extraterritorial comparative study of the system 第三章,是公司法人格否認制度在我國的現狀及其完善,在該章中,筆者首先列舉了我國以往和該制度相關的規定并闡述了對它們的看法。

It is quite necessary for all countries to strengthen their communication and cooperation mutually admitting the extraterritorial effect of intellectual property right within certain limits , admitting and executing the arbitration and sentences of the courts of their counterparts 因此,各國必須加強交流與合作,在一定范圍內承認知識產權的域外效力,并相互承認和執行對方法院的裁定和判決。

Second , by explaining the emergence and forms of expression of conflicts of extraterritorial discovery , and analyzing the cause and substance of conflicts , it demonstrates the relation between extraterritorial discovery and state sovereignty 第二,通過闡述域外證據開示沖突的產生和表現形式,分析沖突的產生原因和實質所在,指明域外證據開示與國家主權的關系。