
extraordinary adj.1.非常的,異常的,非凡的,卓絕的。2.意外的,...


It represents the instantaneous traces of the ordinary and extraordinary wavefronts . 它表示尋常光波前和非常光波前的瞬時軌跡。

Extraordinary profits resulted for the firms during a twenty-year period . 在二十年的時間里,這些公司都賺到了巨額的利潤。

I imagine extraordinary intrigues and unheard of wines and passions . 我想象到一些不同尋常的私情和前所未聞的醇酒和情欲。

Her mind, assailed by visions, was in a state of extraordinary activity . 無數的幻想向她眼前涌來,她心亂如麻,不能安靜。

This extraordinary growth was not confined to the richer countries of the world . 這種迅速增長并非局限于世界富裕的國家。

When he was thirteen, his extraordinary good looks were already apparent . 當他十三歲時,他那出眾的相貌已經顯露出來。

He rushed about doing preposterous things in an extraordinary manner . 他奔來奔去,離奇古怪地干下了種種荒謬的事情。

The contrary of this happens in a year of sudden and extraordinary scarcity . 在突然發生的非常大荒年,情形正相反。

They were completely unaware of there being anything extraordinary . 他們完全沒有覺察到這件事有什么出奇的地方。

I am not able to repeat the excellent discourses of this extraordinary man . 這位異人的高超言論我是無法重述的。

They survived by developing self-reliance to an extraordinary degree . 他們所以能夠活下去,完全靠的是自力更生。

There seems to be an extraordinary number of people around for this time of day . 今天此時此地人多得不可勝數。

All the rest, by some extraordinary means, has melted away . 其它一切問題,由于某些特殊的方法,都不存在了。

For one extraordinary moment i thought that something had happened to my brain . 倏忽之間,我腦中若有所思。

He was tall, well-shaped, and had an extraordinary address . 他身材很高,樣子很體面,而且談話也極風雅。

Ordinariness is his norm; what is extraordinary tends to be suspect . 他崇尚普通,對非常之舉心懷疑忌。

What an extraordinary sensation that ray sent through me ! 那一線光芒使我產生了一種多么奇特的感覺呀!

He made no professions to me but of an extraordinary respect . 他對我并沒有什么表示,只是非常的恭敬。

This is an extraordinary and provocative observational fact . 這是一個不平常的,激動人心的觀測事實。