
extramural adj.1.墻外的;城外的。2.大學外的。3.(非校隊參...


Ms leonie ki , managing director of new world china enterprises projects limited and seasoned advertising practitioner and writer , shared her experience studying at scs . aspiring to improve my chinese and english skills , i took the advanced certificate programme in translation at the department of extramural studies , now scs . those three years were an important milestone in my life 新世界中國實業項目有限公司董事總經理暨資深廣告人及作家紀文鳳小姐稱:自己自小接受雙語雙文化的教育,投身廣告工作后覺得語文水平還不夠專業,便于1973年報讀中大校外進修部的首屆高級翻譯文憑課程,這個課程成為我一生中的重要階段。

Founded in 1965 , the department of extramural studies of the chinese university of hong kong became the school of continuing studies in 1994 . initially offering general short courses , scs now offers programmes at certificate , diploma , advanced diploma , higher diploma , undergraduate , and post - graduate levels 中文大學校外進修部于1965年成立,于1994年易名為香港中文大學校外進修學院,最初以開辦短期課程為主,其后陸續開設證書、文憑、專業文憑、高級文憑、學士及碩士課程。

Education aim of the college is to get students prepared for self - learning and independent thinking . we provide students with basic courses with hands - on laboratory course of various disciplines as well as opportunities for extramural visits to corporative companies 本院教學目標在于培養具有自我學習及思考能力的全方位生命科學人才,特色為注重扎實訓練、校外實習及產學連系。

Co - ordinating the extramural theology programmes jointly run by the divinity school of chung chi college and the school of continuing and professional studies of the chinese university of hong kong 與中大校外進修學院合辦神學證書課程。自2006年起證書課程改為神學文憑課程及共同開辦高等文憑神學課程。

Haven ' t you heard ? our football team has lost in the extramural match 你沒聽說嗎?我們的足球隊在校際比賽中輸了。

On extramural behaviors of government : formation 論政府行為外部性的形成