
extralegal adj.越出法律范圍的;法外的;未經法律規定的。adv....


I was aware, of course, of the pervasive sense of beleaguerment that resulted from a combination of the president's personality and the violent, occasionally extralegal assault of the antiwar critics . 由于總統本人的個性,再加上反戰分子發動的猛烈的,有時甚至是違法的攻擊,造成了一種四面受敵的氣氛。對于這一點,我當然是了解的。

The trust was simply an extralegal arrangement by which competing manufacturers pooled properties to achieve monopoly . 托拉斯單純是一種超法律的安排,通過它,互相競爭的制造家實行聯營,以便壟斷。

There is no excuse for the extralegal methods that went under the name of watergate . 以水門事件為名使用非法律手段是沒有理由的。