
exterminator n.1.撲滅者,根絕者。2.根絕物(指殺蟲劑等)。


Of all the many kinds of films ho meng - hua directed for the shaw brothers , quite possible his most popular worldwide was the flying guillotine . while he did not direct its like - titled sequel , he did helm this great spinning beheader follow - up , which critics considered among his best . it stars the gorgeous chen ping the miniskirt gang , lady exterminator as the fearless title character who takes on an entire flying guillotine gang , despite the fact that shes pregnant 韓天德因發現正為血滴子幕后操縱而遭滅門,其妻容秋燕陳萍外出,幸免于難,但仍遭血滴子統領金罡風羅烈追殺,又被師弟王俊岳華出賣,幸得前血滴子成員馬騰徐少強相助,終將金罡風殺死,替夫報仇。

In this installment of diagnosing java code , full - time java developer and part - time exterminator eric allen discusses detecting , fixing , and avoiding this bug pattern 在診斷java代碼的這一部分中,專職java開發者兼兼職捉蟲者eric allen討論檢測、修復和避免這一錯誤模式。

An exterminator said he had a method that involved the use of cyanide and would render the house uninhabitable for two years 一位滅蟲專業人員說,他有一個滅蛇的辦法,但是這一辦法需使用氰化物,因而可能會使房子在兩年內不能住人。

Steve : i ' m really sorry , connie . i ' ll call the exterminators right away . for now , let ' s make sure there ' s no food in the office 史提夫?康妮,我真的很抱歉。我馬上打電話給除蟲大隊。現在,讓我們確定辦公室里沒有食物。

We ' ll call the exterminator tomorrow and we ' ll take care of the problem , 我們明天會叫捉蟲的人來的一定處理好這個問題

Flying - insects electric exterminator 電表式滅飛蟲器

And the exterminator is on his way 殺蟲劑也將馬上送達

You send in an exterminator so he can - 你打上殺蟲劑,然后-

Maybe you should forget the director and fuck the exterminator instead 你真不應該跟那個導演有什么

You ' re an exterminator charged with examining a house for bugs 您裝滿了殺蟲劑準備清除屋里的臭蟲。

You send in an exterminator so he can - - 你打上殺蟲劑,然后- -