
extensibility n.延伸性,伸展性,伸長率,延伸度,可擴張性。


Extensibility is the ability to add or modify the behavior of objects 擴展性是添加或修改對象行為的能力。

Represents an extensibility element added to an xml web service 表示添加到xml web services的擴展性元素。

Introduction to project extensibility >項目擴展性介紹

Attributes can stunt extensibility 屬性會影響可擴展性

Reserved for future extensibility 保留用于將來擴展。

Describes extensibility options for the distributed system designers 描述分布式系統設計器的擴展性選項。

Examine when , where , and how black box extensibility works best 研究黑盒可擴展性在何時何地如何工作得最佳

Where these two tools fall short , however , is extensibility 但是,這兩個工具有共同的不足之處:擴展性。

Troubleshooting extensibility issues >擴展性問題疑難解答

The model for extensibility is still being developed for wsdl 2 . 0 Wsdl 2 . 0的擴展性模型仍在開發之中。

Automation and extensibility reference visual studio automation and extensibility >自動化與擴展性參考

Automation and extensibility reference 自動化與擴展性參考

How to : create a new windows application using extensibility 如何:使用擴展性創建新的windows應用程序

In addition , some properties are provided strictly for extensibility 此外,一些屬性僅適用于擴展。

Second , it provides an extensibility point for third - party types 第二,為第三方類型提供了擴展點。

Property returns the general extensibility object for the project 屬性返回項目的常規擴展性對象。

Automation and extensibility how do i for general development 自動化和擴展性(如何實現-常規開發)

Gets the top - level extensibility object 獲取頂級擴展性對象。

In reserved for future extensibility In保留以用于將來擴展。