
extasy n.=ecstasy.


It is not easy for me to express how it mov d me to see what extasy and filial affection had work d in this poor savage , at the sight of his father , and of his being deliver d from death ; nor indeed can i describe half the extravagancies of his affection after this ; for he went into the boat and out of the boat a great many times : when he went in to him , he would sit down by him , open his breast , and hold his father s head close to his bosom , half an hour together , to nourish it ; then he took his arms and ankles , which were numb d and stiff with the binding , and chaffed and rubbed them with his hands ; and i perceiving what the case was , gave him some rum out of my bottle , to rub them with , which did them a great deal of good 同時,我又把酒瓶掏出來,叫星期五給這可憐的野人喝兩口。那野人喝了酒,又聽見自己已經獲救,不覺精神為之一振,居然馬上坐了起來。不料,星期五一聽見他說話,把他的臉一看,立刻又是吻他,又是擁抱他,又是大哭大笑,又是大喊大叫接著又是一個勁兒地亂跳狂舞,大聲唱歌然后又是大哭大嚎,又是扭自己的兩手,打自己的臉和頭,繼而又是高聲大唱,又是亂跳狂舞,活像個瘋子。

In the morning i took the bible , and beginning at the new testament , i began seriously to read it , and impos d upon my self to read a while every morning and every night , not tying my self to the number of chapters , but as long as my thoughts shou d engage me : it was not long after i set seriously to this work , but i found my heart more deeply and sincerely affected with the wickedness of my past life : the impression of my dream reviv d , and the words , all these things have not brought thee to repentance , ran seriously in my thought : i was earnestly begging of god to give me repentance , when it happen d providentially the very day that reading the scripture , i came to these words , he is exalted a prince and a saviour , to give repentance , and to give remission : i threw down the book , and with my heart as well as my hands lifted up to heaven , in a kind of extasy of joy , i cry d out aloud , jesus , thou son of david , jesus , thou exalted prince and saviour , give me repentance 忽然,就像有天意似的,在我照例翻閱圣經時,讀到了這句話: “上帝又高舉他在自己的右邊,立為君王和救主,將悔改的心和赦罪的恩,賜給以色列人。 “于是,我放下書,雙手舉向天空同時,我的心靈也升向天上,并欣喜若狂地高喊: “耶穌,你大衛的兒子,耶穌,你被上帝舉為君王和救主,請賜給我悔改的心吧! “這是我有生以來第一次算得上是真正的祈禱,因為,我這次祈禱與自己的境遇聯系了起來,并且,這次祈禱是受了上帝的話的鼓舞,抱著一種真正符合圣經精神的希望。