
expropriate vt.1.沒收(財產等);征用(土地)。2.讓渡(所有權...


According to the 2002 survey , in shanghai and shenzhen stock market , the listed companies ’ total number of expropriated funds was nearly one hundred billion yuan and averagely one hundred and forty three million yuan of funds was occupied by majority shareholders for each listed company ; in the two - consecutive - year of loss - making companies , 70 % of the which were expropriated by controlling shareholders ; in the 15 delisted companies , one of the most important reasons for failure was their controlling shareholders ’ expropriation . the behavior that majority shareholders expropriate listed companies ’ fund is a kind of “ tunneling “ which refers to the act that controlling shareholders transfer the listed companies ’ properties or profits out for their own benefits . on this issue , this dissertation attempts to answer : 1 . what is the governance characteristics of listed companies that are easily expropriated assets by majority shareholders 本文對上述兩個問題進行了全面而系統的理論分析和實證研究,研究結果表明: 1 .第一大股東的持股比例與大股東資產侵占比例負相關,第一大股東的持股比例越低,資產侵占越多; 2 .第一大股東持股比例一定的情況下,第二至第五大股東的持股比例與大股東資產侵占比例負相關,第二至第五大股東的持股比例越高,資產侵占越少; 3 .經營性的控股股東比非經營性的控股股東更易侵占上市公司的資產; 4 .非國有企業控制的上市公司被大股東侵占資產的比例高于國有企業控制的公司; 5 .外部董事的比例與資產侵占比例負相關,外部董事的比例越高,資產侵占越少; 6 .大股東的資產侵占行為對上市公司的業績有顯著的負面影響。

This paper bases on the analysis of the land benefit distribution in she county , explaining how local government deals with the contradiction between the development of economy and the indemnity for living standard of peasant whose land has been expropriated 因此能否合理分配土地收益不僅影響土地市場的運轉,而且也涉及到一個地區的穩定。通過自己的實際調查,本論文主要從以下幾個方面展開論述。首先,介紹有關征地的政策法規。

Under special circumstances and in view of the needs of public interests , the state may expropriate part or all of the petroleum due to foreign enterprises in relation to cooperative exploitation in accordance with legal procedures , and shall give appropriate compensations 在特殊情況下,根據社會公共利益的需要,可以對外國企業在合作開采中應得石油的一部分或者全部,依照法律程序實行征收,并給予相應的補償。

Firstly , i proposed the policy involves agricultural peasants , rural - to - urban workers and expropriated peasants . secondly , i introduced the theory of the rural social old - age insurance , mainly about the social justice and government responsibility 我國近期城市與農村的收入懸殊較大,農村養老保險的發展緩慢,加之農村老年人口的老齡化發展更加迅速,老年保障權益的缺失為社會公正提出挑戰。

This paper summarizes mechanism by which law and institution affect ownership governance : small shareholders incline to free - riding , while large shareholders have motility to monitor managers and motives to expropriate small shareholders 本文從理論層面上總結了法律制度對股權治理的作用機理:小股東在公司治理中傾向于“搭便車” ,大股東既有動力監督管理層也有動機對小股東進行掠奪。

A large number of lands is expropriated and the frequently land adjustment which give an impact on the 30 - year - unchangeable policy of land contract , and the policy should be adaptable to the changeable nature of land utilization 大量的土地征用和頻繁的土地調整,對30年不變的土地承包政策產生了影響,土地承包政策應該與土地利用的多變性相適應。

With the development of economy and the adjustment of industrial structure , more and more land change from farmland to non - farmland . among all the ways , it is the primary way to expropriate peasant collective - owned land 隨著經濟發展和產業結構的調整,越來越多的土地從農業用途轉變為非農業用途,其中征用農民集體的土地是主要的途徑。

It is quite natural for dogs to be protective of food , bones , and other valuables because experience has often taught them that if other dogs “ borrow “ or expropriate valuable possessions , they may never see them again 狗狗保護食物,骨頭及其他貴重物品實屬正常,因為經驗話給他們知道,狗狗”借”去或”充公”后,他們永不能跟它再見

We improved the policy for compensating people whose land has been expropriated to build large or medium - sized reservoirs and for assisting people displaced for reservoir projects , benefiting 22 . 88 million persons 完善大中型水庫征地補償和移民后期扶持政策,扶持對象達2288萬人,這個長期遺留的問題正在逐步解決。

Upon announcement of the establishment of a wildlife refuge , land inside its boundaries may be purchased or expropriated by the authorities according to the law , and subsequently managed by them 經劃定為野生動物保護區之土地,必要時,得依法徵收或撥用,交由主管機關管理。

Therefore , in order to solve the problem of the re - employment of the land - expropriated farmers efficiently , it is extremely necessary to provide overall policy supports to them 因此,消除社會排斥,針對性地向失地農民提供全面的政策支持,是解決失地農民再就業困難的必要舉措。

Social problems arising from land expropriation become more serious in our country these years , protecting the right of farmers whose farmland was expropriated also become the focus 近幾年在我國由土地征收引起的社會問題日益嚴峻,失地農民利益的維護也已成為社會焦點問題。

In the process of urbanization , a large - scale of farmland is expropriated , and thus it is urgent to build up sound and perfect social security system for land - lost farmers 摘要城市化進程中,農村集體土地被大量征用,因此亟待為失地農民建立安全可行的社會保障制度。

The expropriation of land is defined as a kind of behavior in which , for the public end , the states expropriate the land of the other civil subjects and compensate them for it 城市化水平的不斷提高,使農業用地向非農業用地的轉化成為一種不可阻擋的趨勢。

Article 5 the investments and income of foreign enterprises participating in the cooperative exploitation of continental petroleum resources shall not be expropriated by the state 第五條國家對參加合作開采陸上石油資源的外國企業的投資和收益不實行征收。

The ways to spend rainny day ? are really so ? different . ? the simulator is found out and my nb are expropriated . then the bar become their pleasur ground 大家打發下雨時光的方法果然是不同的。模擬器被翻出,我的nb被征用,然后吧臺成了游樂場。

Schleicher was urging him to increase his power - and , not inconsequentially , schleicher ' s own - by expropriating some of the subordinate services 施萊歇極力慫恿他利用部分下級機構來加強自己的權力- -當然也就加強了施萊歇本人的權力。

At his instigation and executive direction , chattel property recognized in law books for three hundred years was expropriated , seized without payment 在他的鼓勵和實際領導下,法律注冊了三百年的動產就這樣沒有補償地被剝奪了。

The government can expropriate the private house in order to public interest , and the government has to compensate the owner of the house 在城市房屋拆遷中,房屋的所有權人能否以自己的所有權對抗政府的拆遷決定呢