
express vt.1.表示,表現,表達 〔cf. suppress;...

express bullet

In the afternoon she expressed some anxiety for georges . 下午,她為喬戈斯擔著不少焦急。

He expressed confidence that the south vietnamese can make it . 他表示相信南越能頂得住。

I felt called on to express my opinion on the matter . 我感覺有義務對這事表示我的意見。

My friend and i returned to town by the midnight express . 我和我朋友乘午夜的快車回城。

I expressed the readiness i felt . 我說非常樂意。

No words can express the secret agony of my soul . 沒有任何語言能夠表達我心靈中的隱痛。

My creditors expressed curiosity as to my intentions . 我的債主對我的意圖表示難以理解。

Boldwood at last expressed himself nearly satisfied . 博爾伍德終于表示他基本上滿意了。

He had expressed shame for a past transaction of his life . 他對過去那件事表示了羞愧。

It can 't be expressed in a few words . 一言難盡。

A widespread wish expressed that he should continue in office . 人們普遍都愿意他留任。

People who expressed themselves roughly called her stolid . 出言粗魯的人稱她感情麻木。

His rubicund face expressed consternation and fatigue . 他那紅通的臉顯得又驚惶又疲乏。

We welcome the opportunity to express our gratitude . 我們能有機會表示謝意十分高興。

He expressed profound contempt for ramsay macdonald . 他對于麥克唐納表示極端的蔑視。

Even a mighty express train can be held up by signals . 即使特別快車也能被信號阻攔。

Neither pen nor pencil can express . 非筆墨所能形容。

The feeling of her sister were instantly expressed . 她妹妹的感想馬上就表達出來了。

He is still unable to express himself in english . 他仍然不能用英語表達自己的意思。