
expose vt.1.使暴露,使曝露(在日光、風雨等之中)。2.【攝...


It is built into the counter, and can be exposed by movement of a shutter . 它裝在計數器中,移去擋片,就可以產生照射。

Was it not ill-nature, selfishness and a fear of exposing herself ? 這是不是說明自己心地不善,自私自利,怕自己現丑?

We exposed some of the more prevalent myths about chrysler . 我們揭露了當時流傳比較廣的一些關于克萊斯勒公司的神話。

People chronically exposed to chlorine develop some degree of tolerance . 人長期接觸氯氣可以產生某種程度的耐受性。

Mr. rushworth exposed her sister to the whispered gallantries of her lover . 羅什渥茲先生對她姐姐說不完溫情耳語。

These anomalies will be confined to the immediate vicinity of the exposed pipe . 這些異常將局限于裸管的緊鄰地段。

We will not expose ourselves by attempting to laugh without a subject . 我們不可能憑自笑人家,弄得反而惹人笑話。

Starting in 1972, we were exposed to such a soviet steamroller . 從一九七二年起,我們就領教了蘇聯這種高壓手段。

Sweden could not be expected to expose herself to invasion by germany . 我們不能期望瑞典自己去招致德國的侵犯。

I exposed my general view at smith, who was in constant contact . 我經常向同我保持聯系的史密斯談我的全部看法。

Many natural fibers decay rapidly when exposed to aerobic cultures . 許多天然纖維在需氧菌的侵襲下則迅速腐壞。

His denunciation of stalin exposed the credulity of fellow-travellers . 他對斯大林的指責暴露了同路人的輕信。

The moon drifted from behind the clouds and exposed the pale face . 月亮從云后面鉆出來,照出了那蒼白的面孔。

Most americans have been exposed to the aesthetic of japanese design . 大部分美國人已經感受到日本設計的美。

That unfortunate remark exposed his ignorance of the subject . 他說了那句不妥的話,暴露了自己對此事的無知。

The exposed portion of the ship above water will suffer the greatest . 船只露出水面的部分所受破壞最大。

At this point we are exposing ourselves to the charge of redundancy . 這里,我們要不嫌繁瑣,多說幾句。

The exposed would have been destroyed naturally in a few years . 暴露在外的,幾年之后會自然地毀掉了。

Collines had exposed the fallacy of modern aesthetics to me . 科林斯曾經向我揭示過現代美學的謬誤。