
exploit n.功績,功勞,勛績。 the exploit of t...


The manager has not exploited her potential talent 經理沒有發現她潛在的才能。

What trends do you want your brand to exploit 什么趨勢使你的品牌可以因勢利導?

To show the modern life to exploit the space in future 展示現代生活開拓未來空間

He began to tell of the fighters ' heroic exploits 他開始講述戰士們的英雄事跡。

The administration might bleed to death amidst a cascade of revelations gleefully exploited by the host of opponents nixon had managed to acquire over the years . 尼克松多年來結下的那幫仇人會利用不斷揭出來的丑聞興災樂禍地大作文章,把現政府搞得頭破血流。

The heat contained in a natural steam field is exploited by drilling a suitable number of wells down to the reservoir . 天然蒸氣田所含有的熱能可以通過鉆井的方法,即打適當數量的井孔到達熱儲的方法進行開采。

After all, if the established imperial nations did not exploit their positions, others were willing to do it instead . 如果已經確立起來的帝國主義國家沒有開發它們占有的陣地,畢竟還有別的國家想取而代之。

Exploited by landlords, they were poor, ignorant, and, like the italians, were one-fourth to one-half illiterate . 由于受地主的剝削,他們是貧窮和愚昧的,并且象意大利人一樣,有四分之一到一半人是文盲。

Clearly in such cases the sophisticated methodology is exploited as mere window dressing for decisions already made . 顯然,在這種情況下,這種復雜的方法只是用來為早已作出的決策裝飾門面罷了。

If less productive opportunities are exploited by farmers before productive ones, something else is wrong . 如果農民選取的不是效益較大的機會而是效益較小的機會,那就是其他某些地方出了問題。

With a cry of triumph, the people gave their sanction to one of the boldest exploits which our history recorded . 人民以勝利的歡呼,對我們歷史上這一石破天驚的大事件,表示了他們的贊許。

As value-judgement, they mean a set of transitional arrangements which allows capitalists to exploit workers . 作為價值判斷來說,它們意味著一系列容許資本家剝削工人的過渡時期的安排。

“how we wheat growers are exploited and trapped and deceived at every turn,“ observed magnus sadly . “我們這些小麥種植者啊,還不是到處受人剝削,作弄,欺騙!”曼克奈斯凄慘地說。

The portuguese were well fitted for the leadership of a european effort to exploit the trade of the indian ocean . 葡萄牙人完全有資格在歐洲人開展印度洋貿易的努力中處于領導地位。

Goebbels and his assistants avidly studied the foreign press to exploit weak spots in their propaganda . 戈培爾和他的助手們廢寢忘食地研究外國報刊,以便利用它們宣傳中的弱點。

In the classic script for a cartel, the group sets a unified optimally exploiting price structure . 按照卡特爾的傳統范本,這個集團制定出一個統一的最有利于剝削的價格結構。

A few methods exploit other properties of flowing fluids, such as the propagation of various sonic waves . 還有幾種方法能利用流體的其它性能,如各種不同的聲波的傳播。

The english arrived in north america with hopes of duplicating the exploits of the spanish in south america . 英國人抱著和西班牙人開拓南美洲一樣的動機來到北美洲。

Here in lies the importance of a proper understanding of how to manage and exploit rotational grass . 正確理解如何經營管理和如何開發輪作草場的重要性就在于此。