
expenditure n.1.(時間、勞力、金錢等的)支出,花費。2.消費;開...


82 . health care is a major public expenditure item 82 .醫療是公共開支一大項目。

Administrative expenditure 2005 and 2006 budgeted 行政開支2005及2006年預算數字

They came with less grace from those who had systematically opposed higher defense expenditures and who had decried the resistance to soviet expansion in distant theaters . 這些出自那些一貫反對提高防務開支,詆毀在遙遠的地區抗擊蘇聯擴張的人之中,就不那么光彩了。

Local government expenditure usually represents only a very small proportion of total expenditure within any community, the lion's share coming from private purses . 在任何社會,地方政府的開支常常只能代表地方總支出的極小部分,而最大部分主要來自私人的口袋。

Despite high interest payments, some governments have not reduced other items of public expenditure in line with declining national income . 盡管利息付款的數額很大,有些國家并未根據國民收入的減少而減少公共支出的其他項目。

Perhaps a key adaptive advantage of the angiosperm is their ability to construct wood with much less expenditure of energy per unit weight . 也許被子植物適應優勢的秘訣就在于它們有能力形成每單位重量的木材可支付少得多的能。

This limitation insures that this enormous expenditure will not go in disproportionate share to a few individuals with large holdings . 這種限制保證了這種大規模的花費不是投入了少數擁有大量土地的人的不合理的分額之中。

It is far simpler to evaluate public projects undertaken through a bank loan than through a direct public expenditure grant . 評價以銀行貸款所進行的公共項目,要比評價通過直接公共支出拔款進行的公共項目簡單得多。

There is the precautionary motivethe need to keep money on hand to make unplanned expenditures or to meet uncertain situations . 有一個就是預防性動機就是在手頭保持貨幣以應付計劃外的支出或防止不測的情況。

One of the main causes of budget deficits in industrial countries, particularly in europe, has been burgeoning public expenditure . 工業國,特別是歐洲工業國的財政赤字的主要原因之一是政府開支的增加。

With respect to public savings, governments have two fundamental options: they can either reduce expenditures or raise revenues . 在公共積累方面,政府有兩種基本選擇不是減少開支,就是增加收入。

Indeed, seeing that his expenditure was only one-fourth of his income, he might have been called a prosperous man . 因為他的進款,只用四分之一就夠他用度了,所以他實在可以算得上是一個發財的人。

In most developing countries increased government expenditures led to record fiscal deficit in 1982 and 1983 . 在大多數發展中國家,政府開支的增加導致了1982和1983年的創紀錄的財政赤字。

On the basis of cash accounting most receipts of money are revenues and most expenditures are expenses . 按現金收付制規定,企業收到的現金大都作為收入處理,付出的現金大都作為費用處理。

Social and political pressures have also made it difficult to curtail benefits or reduce total public expenditure . 社會和政治的壓力也使各國政府難以削減公共福利或降低公共開支總額。

During the few years of peace which followed, there was no substantial reduction in spanish governmental expenditures . 在以后幾年的和平時期,西班牙政府的開支沒有實質性減少。

Proxmire has made himself quite a reputation out of ridiculing government expenditure he disagrees with . 普羅克斯邁爾對于他不同意花的政府開支總要取笑一番,他因此而名聲大振。

Hector grant is having a look at the quarterly breakdown of overheads detailing actual expenditure against budget . 現在,赫克托格蘭特正在審閱季度營業費預算和實際支出情況。

As her land investments grew in amount and number, she became insanely niggardly in personal expenditure . 她的地產投資愈大愈多,她在個人用錢方面就愈是扣斤算兩,拼命節省。