
expatriation n.1.放逐國外。2.移居國外;【法律】脫離原國籍。


Dr michael dickmann , director of the centre for research into the management of expatriation at cranfield school of management , said : long - term assignments , short - term assignments and international commuting are all on the increase . and for most employers , the benefits of these working arrangements clearly outweigh the costs 克蘭菲爾德管理學院外籍人員管理研究中心主任michael dickmann博士說道: “長期和短期職務任命以及國際間職務調動現象正在不斷增加,對大多數雇主來說,這樣的工作安排所帶來的收益明顯超過企業所付出的成本。

In addition , his expatriation expenses have been refunded ( ? 75 , 000 / year ) and he receives from a defined - benefit supplementary retirement plan ( contributions of ? 60 , 000 / year ) 除此之外,他任職于外埠的開銷已經得到補貼( 75 , 000歐元/年) ,同時他也從一項退休養老福利金計劃中獲得補助( 60 , 000歐元/年的捐助) 。

She immediately became involved in an underground movement aliyah bet , which secretly organized the expatriation to the promised land of jews who had escaped nazi concentration camps 剛來到羅馬,她便參加了一個猶太地下移民組織,秘密幫助納粹集中營里幸存下來的猶太人回到“應許之地” ? ?巴勒斯坦一帶。

By the 1920s, expatriation to the europe had become so characteristic a fashion for american writers . 到20世紀20年代時,美國作家移居歐洲已經形成了一種風尚。

This dual tug is apparent in the whole movement of expatriation . 這種兩面周旋的態度在整個寄居海外運動中極為明顯。